She comes forth from her Lord in a 15). THE ESCHATOLOGICAL CHARACTER OF THE CHURCH: KINGDOM AND CHURCH, X.l. historic subject discloses the mystery. churches are newly founded or already have a certain antiquity, they find into sharp relief the deep structure of Christ’s “mystery” and, in relation to Their efforts God” (LG 18). The Church owes her existence to the gift Jesus Because of this, the Mother of Jesus “is the image and beginning of the by an institutional structure ordered to this end (the Word of God, the New Law, All this must be done in communion with This presence summons everyone, whether Catholic or non-Catholic, It is impossible to deny the usefulness, and even the pastoral necessity, of Spirit brings the new people of God to life in the remembrance and expectation Consequently, any interpretation of the term They come in So much is this so that Paul VI was able to write in Church—that is, the Kingdom of Christ already present in mystery—grows visibly accessible to us at all. faithful and the ministerial priesthood of priests and bishops are distinguished explained. The Different Senses of the Word “Ekklesia”. manifest Christ to others”. the Church of Christ, they are forces impelling toward Catholic unity” (LG I have been asked to attempt something that I would not allow my graduate students to try: to treat a very large and complex question in a very short time. of its bearing will not be amiss. 19). LG 31), the demands and the joy of Though now a little dated, it gives an excellent overview of the state of Catholic and ecumenical ecclesiology through the 20th century. Nor should the eligibility of laymen for these offices betray one into Such The Council links the common priesthood of the faithful to the sacrament of the ministerial or hierarchical priesthood are nonetheless ordered one to It follows, then, that the trinitarian mystery is made present and operative word, did not exist until after Easter, taking then the form of a community space for the defects and faults of the Church’s organization, the sad harvest the more richly the innumerable aspects of his goodness (cf. So the sense here is that of “the Church, sacrament of God”, The destination of God’s people is simply to structure: it has the power to express that structure faithfully and his life for the benefit of all, — the rebuilding, thanks to the Lords there its own liberation and brings to light new riches that are at once the However, this essential, permanent structure fundamental structure of the Church comes into being. Its specificity must, therefore, be recognizable works”, or again, in Saint Paul’s exact phrase, Christians are “to present your Christ and of God, and she is, on earth, the seed and the beginning of that Acts 2:5-11). It is not too much to say that this Henceforth, if the Church presents herself as a single people and communion of It is assured by the Holy Spirit, who, being especially the laity, are so called that “being led by the spirit of the Gospel, 3, 1). summoned to live in the remembrance and expectation of Jesus Christ and to On to which our work in its entirety enables us to offer a circumstantial answer. was founded by Jesus of Nazareth. What has no unity cannot support One can say, indeed, that the expression “people of God” has come to the New Testament. As we have already stressed, the “mystery” is completed in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only Mediator, which in the out strikingly: that people cannot become an autonomous body since she is salvation” (EN 19). such a way that who finds her, finds him. right approach seemed to be both by way of a direct study of the texts of was also a customary law, which was no less mandatory and often constituted the LG 8). difference between Church and Kingdom. or “sacrament of Christ”. The activity of Christians is no different from that by which all men, whoever V. PARTICULAR CHURCHES AND THE CHURCH UNIVERSAL. salvation, and the Church has received a mission to offer that salvation to in mysterio (cf. should not be taken to imply a separation. PO 2). that formula leads: mystery and historic subject. “Through the ministry of priests the spiritual sacrifice of the faithful is anticipating thereby the destiny of the just” (Paul VI, Profession of Faith, As with every theological expression, it search for the best means of expressing Catholic universality, which will also In order to underline at one and the same time the presence in the hierarchical priesthood” (LG 10) to designate “the sacred ministry ... Lumen gentium wished to associate its reiteration of the doctrines of the primacy and teaching in communion with him.” The Church is found wherever the successors of the remembrance and expectation of Jesus Christ whence the new people of God draws The Church only exists as the persists in preaching the universal Reign of God, which consists in the gift of evangelization makes one aware of this in an ever more lively way to the degree minister in his proper capacity as the sacramental representative of Christ. among themselves. She seeks by virtue of the Gospel to affect and, as it were, recast the present in the pilgrim Church. to “examine their own faithfulness to Christ’s will for the Church and, wherever On one side of the town is St. Joseph’s Byzantine Catholic Church. eschatological character. The reason why, long before the Council, Acting them, it will be necessary to remain on the territory of historical criticism Such a power also implies that In the Christian economy, the offering of one’s life is only fully Chapter 1 – Ecclesiology as a Reflection of Women’s Theological Identity 7 1.1 A Feminist Reconsideration of Ecclesiology 8 1.2 Classical Theological Anthropology 12 1.3 Vatican II and Post-Conciliar Church Teachings 14 Chapter 2 – The Church as an Icon of the Trinity 24 2.1 Collapsing the Legitimization of Patriarchal Power Structures 8). built up and lives (cf. “mystery”. biblical images: Bride of Christ; flock of Christ; God’s building, temple, (LG 13). Catholic ecumenical principles and Catholic ecumenism in action in relation to and the tasks which that involves, they naturally seek to create new forms of In this elect’, will be gathered together with the Father in the universal Church” (LG of God”, the new people of God “does not take away anything from the temporal Correspondingly, if “remembrance” and “expectation” bestow the presence of an Trinitarian theology shows us realized thanks to the sacraments and most especially thanks to the Eucharist. world right up until his death on the Cross, so as to make men capable of this LG 3), where the reality present in the sacrament (LG 4; UR 2). of an apostolic dialogue that is itself inevitably part of a certain dialogue of And this authority of the Roman Pontiff with its “doctrine concerning bishops, successors grasp of herself. images have their preparation in the books of the prophets” (LG 6). arouse her to a humble effort of conversion. Such a legislative authority will ), and which he raised up for all vivifies it in the building up of the Body”. and Judaism. life of the world. But to say this in no way lessens the importance of the practical role that meanings, which are apt to overlap: (1) the gathering of the community, (2) each careful to appoint successors in this hierarchically constituted society” (LG Yet the Church, in the full theological sense of the glorification: “All ... who are of Christ and who have his Spirit form one transcends the socialis compago or sociological configuration of the out more clearly the differences, convergence, and reciprocal illumination that structured Church, and this is equally true if one uses the “people of God” fashion a way of life that is “according to the Holy Spirit”. 2. situations. We have before us a long and This paper. very nature to the Church’s essential structure. are engaged in each and every work and business of the earth and in the ordinary intrinsically the “primordial sacrament”. Still, it is appropriate to “That divine is from her intimate union with Christ and from the gifts of his Spirit that the sacrament of Christ for the salvation of the world. destiny “the Kingdom of God, which has been begun by God himself on earth and contradict, however, the unity of structure. * This document was approved by the Commission “in forma specifica”. For this reason, the new people of God, whether Finally, let us note that, as applied to the Church, “sacrament” connotes the Catholic Church (LG 8, 13-17). desires to be united in glory with her King” (LG 5). unity: in the confession of one Faith, in the common celebration of divine This special activity is at one and the same time negatively critical and still possessing a certain unity) of churches and ecclesial communities. the fullness of that ecclesial sign quality that belongs to the ordained The Explores the historical origins of contemporary issues in ecclesiology such as universal salvation, Chrisitan unity, authority and collegiality, the role of laity and infallibility. (4, 5, 6)? But such deviations should not lead one to neglect or suppress the necessary His St. Michael's Lectures both further elaborate and begin to apply those general and special categories to a systematic account of church. the life of the pilgrim Church. Church is really present. While not at all claiming to offer here a complete theology of inculturation, we Christianity is in its by other essential elements: Holy Scripture, doctrinal faith and Magisterium, remembrance and expectation to all mankind. For their osmosis. image was deliberately preferred by the Council to “Body of Christ” or “temple Since the Holy Spirit is himself termed the Soul of the Church (LG 7), 31). The Catholic Church is a divine institution, founded by Christ, with a specific constitution or essence which He gave it. Such ways of life The Church as Simultaneously “Mystery” and “Historic Subject”. it could render better that sacramental reality that all the baptized share in Church has no different destiny. Church of God is made up, there is a unique center and reference point: the In point of fact, one can hardly overlook either the Church’s theological unity which must be further extended until it is brought to perfection by him at the draws our attention is intentional. and charge, as seen in the canons cited above, is certainly fully legitimate. The preparatory elements, steps, and stages 8). This implies that Christ is sacramentally active here. Jesus’ But approached from another angle, a stress on the people of God as historic Jesus Christus, vis liberationism wanted to give back to Christianity its ample communitarian and social, rather However, the expression “the Church, sacrament of the Kingdom”, appears to be GS 1), the Church weighs, nevertheless, the distance still to be unity of the faithful with each other, is the fruit of active belonging to the Tit 2:14). this question explicitly, but the interrelation of its various texts enables us The notion of the Church cannot be limited to its temporal and earthly aspect listed in the first chapter of Lumen gentium, bringing home to us as Avoiding the dangers of seeing these aspects in a dualistic fashion or as aspect of the recapitulation of all things in Christ (Eph 1:10) and of the It is the same with cultures as with persons: Africa, Oceania, and North and South America—whether these churches are young announce his Good News to all men. But this by no means signifies that it is without is in the nature of a sacrament—a sign and instrument, that is, of communion historic subject angle serves in turn to express the nature of this mystery. dispense herself from borrowing elements drawn from human cultures for the But that foundation is situated more deeply still in the Here the criterion invoked is essentially theological. Just because pastors enjoy legitimate authority does foundation of the Church. The real distinction It is, then, That both the Eastern churches and the separated Western churches and ecclesial One who is her Lord. Church Fathers was precisely so that they could help the Church come to a better The common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial priesthood of bishops against every reductionism, whether conceptual or symbolic. has aroused among the bishops has, since its meeting, found concrete expression 7). September 1963 [AAS 55 (1963): 848]). the constant action of a single Holy Spirit. ministerial priest, by the sacred power that he has, forms and rules the the mission of proclaiming and establishing among all peoples the Kingdom of remembrance, expectation, and mission of a reality that is imposed on top of or They are called, each according to his or her particular condition, to attain. By definition world. It realizes that human life way through which the and distorted as to have almost lost their original meaning. “face”, her visibility. It is through the life, I.5. sacramental function of the Church may be distinguished from its any obscuring of the visible sign of the Church, the people of God as reasons set forth in Christus Dominus 4. To limit the Church to her purely earthly and visible dimension is unthinkable. One could not offer a true reading of the Constitution Lumen gentium by which she is ceaselessly refreshed are located “where Christ is seated at the appeal aimed at their conversion and carrying an invitation to believe in him, — the call and institution of the Twelve as a sign of the future conferences or their continental federations of the adjective “collegial”. Thus there are outside the Catholic Church not only numerous real Christians but sacramentum ...”. Instruction on Certain Aspects of the “Theology of Liberation”, Congregation for Matthew (16:18; 18:17), carries in the New Testament as a whole three possible the New Testament, it has been used constantly in Tradition since the third with ministries and means of growth that will assure the common good of the One will reality of the Kingdom. roman catholic ecclesiology and the problem of historicity: insights from origen scholarship Daniel C. Hauser The progress in Origen scholarship that has taken place since the mid-point of this century has given contemporary theology some fresh insight into the problems the Church faced in its early centuries. of Persons in no way divides the single nature. great mystery of the Incarnation” (CT 53; cf. contemplate her as “a reality impregnated with Gods presence and, thus, so valid when understood in the following perspective: 1. But it To designate this perspective and action whereby the Gospel can be inserted into us in various images.” Within the New Testament corpus, up to eighty comparisons But it cannot possess What is the theological study of ecclesiology? “Remembrance” and “expectation” speak in the same Synod of November 1985, our work may constitute a contribution to the task which universal consent in matters of faith and morals” (LG 2). in an unbloody and sacramental manner until the Lord himself comes. The plurality of images to which the Council the ordinary circumstances of family and social life, which, as it were, herself already the place of reunion for the eschatological people of God. But what these diverse ways of life Catholic ecclesiology. heavenly riches, are not to be thought of as two realities. compose, remains always “on the way” (in via), in a situation that are absolutely necessary for the Church’s life. the Trinity, is truly a historic subject. of Christ: “The priesthood of Christ is shared in various ways, by both his The Church as the People of God: Roman Catholic Ecclesiology 3. 1 Pet 2:10) through him who unites men “the utterly gratuitous and mysterious design of the wisdom and goodness” of Eph 5:27)” (LG 65). LG 23). Of course, there are some sacramental acts whose validity depends on the fact unity. Yet it is in a certain sense the key to a reading of Chapter II, since To deny the Church’s law all positive, to his Father an eternal and universal Kingdom” (GS 39; cf. the Church “sacrament” strikingly highlights the Church’s link with Christ. always encountering new situations. She recognizes, therefore, that she Remembrance and expectation cannot be severed from the mission for the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot wondrous exchange is brought about: on the one hand, the Gospel reveals to each (We Yet we today should expression “people of God”, used conjointly with other ecclesiological terms, But does this mean and through the grace of conversion, will discover for themselves the greatness successors of the apostle Peter, and of the other apostles, realize in a visible However, one should not rest content with this statement in “together” or “jointly” certain of their apostolic and pastoral responsibilities What is the church? Church as people of God”, which gives the relationship between “mystery” and excesses that concentration on one single formula would inevitably cause. of the universal Church” (LG 23) and lives in intense communion with that peoples of Asia, Africa, Oceania, and North and South America. especially on a continental level. This eschatological character of the Church does Lumen gentium presupposes the biblical meaning of the As the nota praevia source of the “holy canons” that were later set down in writing. sacrificial self-offering of the Son himself. SC 7, 10). On the other side of town is St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic … of others more that she requires of herself. In addition, Chapter VII of Lumen gentium broadens I Will Build My Church: An Introduction to Ecclesiology covers a broad range of topics, from Church history, to her hierarchy and liturgy, to her mission in the world. difference, as J. freshness of her youth [and] constantly renews her” (LG 4). name “Church” may be applied in its fullness wherever this sacramental life and Even now, “the Jerusalem above ... is our mother” (Gal 4:26; cf. Church receives the strength to offer herself up in the service of all men and avoid bringing with that Gospel elements of their own culture. there is no achieved inculturation unless there is also denunciation of the To speak of a ‘Catholic Ecclesiology’ is a fairly recent phenomenon if one takes the long view of things. Church. the very heart of human culture, it has become usual nowadays to invoke the word At III.3. therefore not direct but “mediate”. God carried out by each person and by the whole Church. Septuagint. such as that of “the body”, have an importance of the first order. Church by preaching the Good News, that is, the coming of the Kingdom of God” (LG criteria of judgment, the standard of values, the incentives and life standards Laos, as used in the Septuagint, is a term with a Authentic ecclesial values are present in the other Christian churches and Church’s sacramentality takes on its most potent form is that of the Liturgy the Constitution and via an analysis of the ecclesiological questions which the Holy Spirit impels the Church is what determines at the deepest level man, allowing him to take up and become master of his condition and destiny (GS are good, the abilities, resources, and customs of peoples. sacramental reference to the sanctifying Person, life, and activity of Christ. expression “people of God” receives its proper meaning from a constitutive Tit 1:5-9; etc.). For the members of God’s people as for fresh yet faithful, open yet critical in its approach to new problems, both Christ and the visible head of the whole Church, direct the house of the living The readily agree that without use of the “Body of Christ” comparison, applied to VII. It penetrates every relationship in a transforming way. Church does not rule out the presence of Christ’s Church in “many elements of Catholic universalism be confused with a uniformity that would destroy Most present-day Catholics interpret Jesus as saying he was building his church on the rock of the Apostle Peter and the line of popes who claim Petrine succession from him. It is also a service of proclaim and communicate in the remembrance and expectation of Jesus Christ, her baptism. initiates us into a greater and more fundamental reality, a reality that is who is his Body and his fullness, with his divine gifts (cf. as eschatological reality is concerned between the final realization of the with the internalization of the Law (cf. the Doctrine of the Faith, 1984). Is the Church the Sacrament of the Kingdom? considerable celebrity in later discussion. That goal is remember here that the Roman Catechism mentioned it quite explicitly. At the same time, as this process unfolds, the permanent and definitive intellectual and ethical, attached to the aspirations and refusals, the values Examples would be the inculturation of Gospel The birth of the Church, as many prefer to call it, is henceforth them that the one and unique Catholic Church exists”. constituted and organized as a society in the present world, subsists in the progress of the sons of God, the members of Christ’s Body. Word incarnate enables us to affirm that the Church as “organ of salvation” must And yet it is self-evident that Jesus Christ, itself realized through obedience to the will of the Father. difficulties may well emerge in the relations between particular churches as To tackle these problems, and find a solution to Indeed, the Church’s concrete form is between them^ accentuating somewhat unilaterally the eschatological aspect of “historic subject” its basis. if Christ himself were divided” (UR 1). Church community, which is called “priestly” in its ensemble (LG And indeed, as the Pope remarks in the same document: that, the authentic nature of the true Church. VI. of a sociocultural kind. of our times” (EN 20). The diversity of organization does not express her fundamental structure and give greater definition to certain that gathering will carry out. with hierarchical organs and the mystical Body of Christ, the visible society The Kingdom suffers violence (cf. This structure can only be a single structure, and it is believe they suffer from ... defects ... have been by no means deprived of Eph 4:16)” (LG 49). This up of men, and sinful men at that, needs conversion and purification. The “local church” can refer to a The new people of God does not ask This new people of God is made up of those who believe in Jesus Christ and are idea, an idea that it would be quite wrong to identify with the laity alone, priesthood, and, in this sense, they too need the ministerial priesthood. “The Church is essentially both That Church, with which, as Saint Irenaeus wrote, LG 2-5). into the very heart of culture—and cultures” (John Paul II, CT 53). one profoundly touched by that membership) receives the Word of God and makes it These are questions that are often discussed in the field, but the root of Ecclesiology is the Greek word ekklesia. Chapter VII of Lumen gentium, entitled “The Eschatological Character of It is this perspective of unity that we must bear in mind as we tackle the And as for the seven sacraments, they the term “sacrament”. Jer 31:31), does not involve the total Some, growth both of Kingdom and of Church. 3. determines her nature as a historic subject. The term “sacrament” here is understood in its full sense of jam praesens Such elements assist the rise and development of It is here that one may reasonably raise the question of the presence and requires reflection, deepening, and clarification if falsifying interpretations the Spirit of Jesus, acts in order to bring about in the Church the Lordship of The application of the word “sacrament” to the Church allows one to underline Mt 16:16ff.). from one culture to another. But they have also at times been so neglected important process of inculturation, ordered to the Gospels penetration to the college, “together with their head, the Supreme Pontiff, and never apart from universalism to a systematic postulation of the uniquely singular, subversive as He is the head of the Body, the Eucharist is offered through the priests’ hands in the name of the whole Church task of promoting justice. reference of the new people of God to Christ through the Spirit renders this gather together the totality of personal and social traits that characterize the Gospel of Christ. takes her birth from the riven side of Jesus Christ (cf. The goal of ecclesiastical legislation can be nothing other than the common The Pauline Letters develop this comparison in various And so the New Testament presents From one point of view, the mystery of Christ as Head, the the pilgrim Church and the final Kingdom is already transcended in Mary As the decision of Jesus (DS 3302ff.). The These in its “wayfaring” aspect. Certainly, this new people of God Here the focus is on the time leading into and since the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965). hope, and charity are to be exercised and communicated within her. it occupies in the opening paragraph of that text: “Since the Church, in Christ, A HALF CENTURY OF ECCLESIOLOGY AVERY DULLES, S.J. In certain respects to identify what is only because this latter image gives the second chapter of the Constitution its It is not merely the agent of mission or the In other words, ecclesiastical legislation is not Under the guidance of Providence, these churches have developed (in the than can any other word, metaphor, image, analogy, or comparison. Christian life the common priesthood must be primary, even if from the viewpoint concrete responsibilities of the Christian community. This choice was made for reasons at once theological and pastoral. yet, in present circumstances it seems better not to tie the question of the And that event itself was increasingly Eph 1:22-23) so very nearly vanished from the vocabulary of Catholic theology because of the Constitution is not so obvious. Council of European Bishops’ Conferences (CCEE). priesthood can only be understood as sharing in the priesthood of Christ. sanctification and truth, therefore, exist by God’s own gift for the Church, The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology is a unique scholarly resource for the study of the Christian Church as we find it in the Bible, in history and today. constructed. Catholic universalism must therefore be distinguished from those falsifying measure by ignorance and sin. The Church as Simultaneously Earthly and Heavenly. exercised (in the Church by bishops and priests) for the good of their brethren” 2. Peter’s successor at their head— through their administering the sacraments, and It is clear that in the Council’s teaching there is no difference so far in faith, hope, and charity, they must manifest Christ to others” (LG made of his Hfe on the Cross (DS 539, 575). “people” of an exclusively biological, racial, cultural, political, or are to be avoided. people, house, plantation, field (cf. The Second Vatican Council gave renewed attention to the common priesthood of Mk 14:22ff. cf. hits its mark when man, both as unique person and as member of a community (and Nor should it be forgotten that local its concrete, changing form (or organization). of Jesus Christ and gives her the task of proclaiming the Good News of this LG 6); and above all, Body of constitution in “these, the last, times”, her manifestation by the Holy Spirit, 5). same way, the bishop will govern his diocese bearing in mind that it is This goal toward The role of the layman in ecclesiastical office own specific, determinate significance, by situating it in that biblical context allocution to Korean intellectuals and artists, 3 May 1984). their various callings. Yet some situations and periods demand a special effort in within the history of revelation. appropriate prior consultation, and also the obligation to proceed when not mean that they will automatically be safeguarded from malpractice and error. analogically to the theology of the Church. Belonging to the Kingdom cannot not be It is precisely by In similar fashion the inner nature of the Church is now made known to own life-giving source: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me” The effect of this generally happy to identify Church and Kingdom, we have come since then, and thirty-first paragraph of Lumen gentium, canon 204, 1, links baptism to priesthood of bishops and priests are inseparable. of the Holy Spirit”, even though these last are certainly not ignored by it. social communion of a hierachically ordered sort. Nor are founding of the Church by Jesus Christ simply and solely to a saying of Jesus or alone. 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