The first item on your post website launch checklist is to ensure that your site actually works. Make sure your plan is airtight and your website will get the traffic it deserves day one. Here are five tips to ensure effective project management in the post-launch phase of a project lifecycle. Yes, your job is not done yet. I always try to build the site with performance in mind as I’m going, but it’s a good time to double check and make sure you’re not having any performance issues. Twitter. Connect Google Analytics and setup any additional tracking features that might be useful (like goal tracking for conversions). Creating an online course can be a big project, but if you really want your course to be successful the work you put in after launch can be just as important as the course creation process itself.. You can use your SEO plugin to set your social share images. SEO is something that many talk about, but few understand. Tips include: Creating unique selling points ; Developing a content calendar; Planning a launch event for customers; Monitoring online product mentions and feedback Again, using SEOPress, I make sure that the site has a functioning Sitemap. With the rise of Content Management Systems we’re noticing one alarming trend: not checking the tiny box that allows search engines to list your content. Don’t forget to submit your sitemap too! But sometimes this can take 24 hours. Post-Launch Phase: Growing the Audience. It can also hard to decide whether or not you are happy with the end result. If budget allows, work with a graphic designer to create a post template. So if you’re looking for an effective way to launch a new product, this checklist is for you. Make sure you WordPress site is ready for the client and ready to go live with our checklist - pre and post launch checklists to download. Post-Site Launch Checklist The first week – What to look out for, and how to ensure everything runs smoothly. Pre-Launch Checklist: The Essentials Written by Kathryn Marr on July 11, 2019 Blog , Sell Online . We try to make it as easy to follow as possible, so you always know what to do next. This is a comprehensive website migration checklist which groups its items under a. pre-launch roadmap; launch day; post-launch phase; SEO (Search Engine … Google Analytics is an absolute must if you want to make data driven decisions and to get more answers to your questions like where are my visitors coming from, what is my most popular product, which are the most important social networks that work for us, etc. Can’t stress this one enough! Do you think that if the producers of the 2017 Academy Awards had developed a checklist covering every step of the ceremony — a checklist that every presenter and nominee had to review and learn — they would have been as likely to suffer that massive screw-up of announcing the wrong winner for Best Picture? If onsite SEO is making sure that the keywords you’re looking to target are included, offsite SEO is making sure enough people link back to you to ensure you’re relevant for these keywords. When you work with a Showit website designer like me, you’ll have a personal guide through the whole post-launch process. Post-website launch checklist. The checklist helps in getting things done, make it less likely for you to forget anything critical point and render a good structure for your website. Bonus points if you backup both your database and all of your website content offsite. The Post-Launch of Your Online Course. During the beta testing, you have added a feedback tool to the app that can come handy now. Share on Reddit. Storage is cheap nowadays, so I don’t mind keeping a copy myself— but it’s best that your client has their own copy just in case. Once your website has launched, it stands to reason that you have put a lot of time and effort into its creation. Once the site is live, I like to save a copy of everything (along with their Website Owner’s Manual) and ship it off to the customer for safe keeping. Your new website has finally gone live. In fact, this checklist is one of the main reasons that our launches now consistently generate 6-7 figures in revenue. A launch plan identifies critical processes, such as storefront rollout and rollback, and lists launch and post-launch contacts. How the checklist can help. This will allow you to tweak and change things in order to get a better response. Repurpose on I don’t pretend to be a security expert, but I’ve been using both WebARX (paid-for product for bigger projects) and iTheme’s Security (free product for everything else) and have had good luck. PHASE 1 – MAIN SET-UP PREPARATION: Add tracking analytics (at a minimum – Google Analytics and Google Search Console). Respond to comments on social media. Webflow Post-Launch Checklist On this Webflow lesson we take a look at the post-launch checklist. By default, the year, month and day a post was published are included in the URL. You’ve launched, now what? Feel free to use this for yourself, published under a Creative Commons Sharealike license. By. Use this free tool to check to make sure your website is welcoming search engines at launch. Website Pre & Post Launch Checklist. This might come in handy for news or deal sites. Questions have been grouped in the following categories: Before you have real traffic to your site make sure that not only are you forms submitting properly, but that they have the appropriate “reply to” a unique and identifiable subject line, and a unique form ID. Carefully planning any type of launch, particularly a business, is not limited to preparing a business/marketing plan. Post-Launch Checklist. Though Google will take text from your site by default, it’s always best to handcraft these excerpts for the search engine results page. By default, the year, month and day a post was published are included in the URL. The products, lessons, & strategy to help push their business forward. New apps larger than 150 MB must use either Play Feature Delivery or Play Asset Delivery. How to integrate Google Analytics with Webflow and how to submit your Webflow sitemap.xml correctly to Google Search Console. Depending upon your store’s unique needs, you may not need all of these steps. All of the above tasks can be added to Wrike. Post-launch checklist. This will take us to the next step of the app launch checklist that is all about after-effects. These templates can be used to announce guests, solicit feedback or share an interesting quote from a recent episode. What do they love? The fun doesn’t end here! This is a general checklist that should apply to most ecommerce store launches. Building off our popular Product Launch Guide, we've created an even more thorough checklist to make sure you don't miss a beat in the product launch process. I also like to run my websites through Cloudflare’s DNS for a bit of extra protection and the “Under Attack” mode. It all depends on what your website is about. Post-Launch: These are all the things I want to check (or double check!) Respond to comments on article. MENU. The first half of my overall launch checklist is the longest bit, but once you have your processes down this can typically be done pretty quickly… And it’s a lot faster than having to go back and fix your mistakes at a later date. While we covered this in the Pre Website Launch Checklist, it’s worth highlighting that content is king for organic website growth. First, my hosting server is doing backups daily, and for extra protection, I use UpDraft Plus (the free version) to set a regular backup schedule off to Google Drive storage. A checklist to help you ensure your content stays relevant, accurate and useful after you've launched or redesigned a website. As you’re crossing items off your post website launch checklist, you need to spread the word about your new website to each of your social media outlets. Either they were way too long (keeping me from doing any of it), they were too short, or they were things that I was doing long before launch day got here. Website pre & post launch checklist. 1. Add the website to your portfolio; Setup a retainer with the client for maintenance updates; Take a backup of the development site; Clean up your development server and archive the development site backup . Post-Launch: These are all the things I want to check (or double check!) Before your website debuts can be a very stressful time. You need to check the quality of your content and that it all makes sense or else you will have a number of disappointed visitors that are unlikely to return. They may agree helping to solidify this as a problem. Often this process takes months or years of hard work, but there should be an ongoing link building strategy, often by creating and promoting amazing content. During the beta testing, you have added a feedback tool to the app that can come handy now. Your website should be your leading business marketing tool, so make the best of it and don’t rest until you feel proud and visitors are delighted. I have my checklist broken down into two parts: Just like any resources you find online— take inspiration, but make this your own. My processes and procedures are unique to me, so this list might not suit you perfectly. The activities you’ll do on and around the week of your launch to ensure success. Look no further! Before we talk about product launch checklists, let’s do a quick thought experiment. Join the community of over 2K WordPress professionals. As I mentioned before, it’s important to look at these things from your own perspective and make sure that everything works within your processes and procedures (which are likely different than mine). We want to thank you for your patience during our upgrade. copy saved. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 7. And a lot of these bad reviews stem from a lack of follow through. Not going to admit that I’ve made that mistake more than once. This is important so that search engines understand the structure of your site. In this post, I have taken you through all the things that you should check before launching a new blog. Run your development URL through Google’s Mobile Friendly tool and make sure it’s getting a pass. GTMetrix does a great job showing you how quickly your site is loading and the “waterfall” chart can help you debug any problems. Abagail Pumphrey added Post-Launch Checklist to Post-Launch Board Launch in a Box. Step 10: Check Post Launch Points Site Is Visible to Search Engines After launching the website, the main concern is to check the visibility of that website on the search engines. Post Product Launch Successful product launch does not end with merely introducing the new product in the market and then forgetting about it. Post-Launch Checklist Admin Admin Sub-User On the morning of February 25th, you will receive two emails: one with the username and one with the password from The SEO aspect makes for an entire article, and it’s not relevant for our post-launch checklist. Yesterday I wrote up a blog post talking about my experience using Gutenberg, and how the performance between the same page built with Elementor and, Admittedly, page builders are my crutch. 1. As someone who comes from a design (not a development) background, I likely couldn’t do my job if page, Setting up typography, colors, button styles, backgrounds, form field styles etc. Think about UX here— what would be helpful to visitors if they land on a broken link (a menu, search bar, sitemap?). If you have a good habit of naming your files well, you can use a plugin like Image Attributes Pro which will give all the images alt text using the file name (and can do this in bulk too!). The checklist is also very handy for periodic audits, flagging up any problems that can arise as a result of a new plugin, a new theme, changes on your hosting server, or a lapse in SEO optimisation. In this post, I’m going to give you a set of guidelines based on my own experience and the usual time block I use in order to launch my own digital products. In fact, my development sites are constantly taking backups anyway, but here I like to take a nice manual backup of everything just in case something goes haywire during launch. ); I'm talking about the housekeeping/technical checklist you'll want to go through and tick off in the days after launch. Before we get to the info product launch checklist, here’s what the entire launch formula looked like for the 30-day Challenge: Teasers (2 email mentions, 2 podcast mentions, a few tweets) Carts open, 1 product-only email to segmented group (15 people) 1 mention in regular email to entire list In these cases, 24 hours can matter. You can always add complexity later after you’ve been through the launch process a time or two. On a basic level, this includes page titles, page URL names, page content, meta tags, image and alt tags on images. Share in social media groups. This is one you might not find on a lot of lists, but it is SO frustrating when you’re troubleshooting and you realize that your timezone was not set correctly in your WordPress install (Settings > General). Shopify & Shopify Plus Launch Checklist – Pre & Post Launch Tasks & Checks by Paul Rogers June 27, 2020 June 27, 2020 Launching a new eCommerce store or replatforming is always a very stressful time, no matter how much time and resource you’ve allocated to the project and preparing for the launch. It’s win/loss analysis. So, I got lucky and started ranking (without backlinks). If this process is forgotten, your website is going to largely vanish without a trace. With so many device sizes it will probably never be perfect, but it’s worth the effort to do your best. After you’ve designed and launched your website*, you’re ready to move on to the next steps. Don’t settle for the first image on your site being used for the social share image! Share on niche forums. Here’s a copy of the full list without the instructions in case you don’t want to opt-in for our free checklist. Post Launch Checklist. Post-Launch Checklist. If you’ve submitted your website to Google Search Console above you’ll get warned of any problems. The more links back, the more search engines trust your authority on a topic. We want to thank you for your patience during our upgrade. Here's the step by step guide to getting the most out of your launch. 0. As seen in Part 1, establishing and streamlining your website gives you a solid foundation from which to grow. Monitor Google Analytics. You’ll likely notice how excited they get, which helps to view the website again through fresh eyes. Good checklist. Post launch checklist. With your website successfully launched, it’s time to move into the post-launch phase of your project. We are live! Now that the project is complete, your work is done, right? With so many items to focus on, sometimes teams forget to flip the switch to ‘ON’ when going live. If I’m a bit lazy (or have a low budget project) I’ll just set one image for the whole site— but if I want to take it to the next step I’ll do an image for each page using a Photoshop template to replace the text & graphics quickly and maintain a cohesive look. Post Launch Checklist. This brings us to another aspect of your post-launch checklist, namely SEO. Post Launch Checklist. But you also need to submit a sitemap to the major search engines to speed up your discovery. When it’s finally time for go-live, I don’t know about you, but I get anxious just to get a project complete and out the door. 10 Effective Presentation Techniques (If You Want to Annoy Your Audience), Valentine's Day Cards for Graphic Designers and Developers, how many links back you have to your website here. Audit your on-page content. Some organizations tend to adopt a casual attitude once their product is in the market and trust me; this is one of the biggest blunders to commit. I like to install caching after the bulk of development is done and after I’ve run initial performance tests so I know all the performance isn’t reliant solely on caching. Activity Capture lessons learned and update all relevant documents. Add this checklist to your Taskable Account. Internal Announcement Share the great news! Have you planned how you’ll get them there in the first place? In the drop-down menu, select Business Online Banking. How the checklist can help. There’s one special form of research that many product marketing managers are neglecting—and they’re missing a great tool. before I tell them it’s ready. Ask your trusted circle what they think, without leading them in any direction. The phase where you determine what the product offer will be, how much money you want to make, what the unique positioning will be, etc. There’s plenty of work to be, such as looking for areas of improvement and running an audit. Post-website launch checklist. This “propagation period” is inconsistent because the routers around the internet don’t update themselves at the same time. But it’s always a good idea to have a checklist so that you can launch your ecommerce store with confidence. Double or even triple check that all content adds unique value. I have my main cell phone plus a few old spares that I’ll do a quick run through on the website with to ensure everything is looking right. The post-launch step: reviewing results, making changes, ... My goal is to help you build a simple, doable product launch strategy — a sort of product launch plan checklist you can use as a guide. Post Launch SEO Checklist. Getting Started Guide: Post-Launch Checklist. Post-Launch Checklist. Team members need to communicate regularly to keep progress on track, share information, and mitigate risks and dependencies. You can get the printable PDF pre-launch blog checklist by signing up for our newsletter below. While you’re in there double checking your site title & tagline, make sure you add a favicon of your customer’s logo or icon so it is recognizable in a sea of open tabs. In fact, Google now punishes websites that don’t have good content, or provide value to visitors. Once the DNS changes or A record setup is complete, the new site should become live within a few hours. You need to switch to HTTPS. I use WebSite Auditor by SEO Powersuite for this task— just wanting to make sure that I haven’t, somehow, broken any links on the page. after the site has been moved to my customer’s domain. Pre-launch. Wrike – your live WordPress Checklist. For example, if you are collecting payments then you need it to be secure as well as protecting the details of individuals that might have to log into your site. The best tool for this that I’ve found is Uptime Robot— which is free to use! Launch planning. She details the steps to bring the site live and to roll it back. At this time, we’d encourage you to take a few minutes and become familiar with the new Online Banking and verify your information: Login to the new Online Banking. My customers usually don’t have a clue that a privacy policy is required by law (why should they?). Social media is something you cannot ignore. Although this is typically done as one of the first steps of the project, before the site is published, ensure that the site title and tagline are set to the right text inside the customizer. MENU. It gives them the information they need to crawl your page more easily. Before you hand anything over, make sure your website has some sort of automated backup system. Pre-launch marketing strategy will make your launch easier on both the fronts: You will already know who should be the first to announce it to and how to promote your project further The first step in any pre-launch marketing campaigns is to create a page (or even a standalone site) you can use as the central point for all your promotional tactics On a basic level, this includes page titles, page URL names, page content, meta tags, image and alt tags on images. Many marketing teams find this overwhelming and seek outside link building assistance, so never be afraid to ask for help. No use on those hanging around at this point. You want to appear on the biggest search engine out there, don’t you? Post-SaaS Launch Checklist. That means each and every page leads the user to where you want them to go, all of the images appear, and every single button does what it is intended to do. It’s a good time to remember to no-index category and author pages if you don’t want those showing. This might come in handy for news or deal sites. #12 User Engagement & Feedbacks. Using the plugin of your choice, set up page indexation, noindex desired post types, categories, archives and taxonomies, set up Open Graph tags, link all your social networks and add Local SEO details (address, location, opening hours). A product launch checklist is designed to support cross-functional teams as they bring a new customer experience to market. Mid-launch. Pre-Launch Checklist Join in on the daily conversation and get involved. Looking for great WordPress products and services? While I’m still within the Breeze configuration, they have a handy tool that will clean up the database and get rid of any saved revisions. Save this checklist. In a lot of ways, an online course is a set-it-and-forget-it product. But it can take up to 48 hours. It allows them to index your pages and gives you access to SEO tips that will ensure visibility on results pages. Share on Reddit. Make sure you didn’t miss any steps on the Ultimate Pre Website Launch Checklist, website conversion tips, or check out our ranking all thing web design on this year’s Web Ninjawards. Most good themes (like my favorite, GeneratePress) will have a default 404 page set up. Check off Your Checklist. Depending on the image library size this can be done pretty quickly in one sitting. You’ll likely find him trolling The Admin Bar community. Below, I’m going to share a checklist of things you should consider to ensure a successful start! All of the hard work you’ve placed into this project can make your own opinion murky. Pre-Launch Checklist For Your Podcast. Determine the name of the website and the corresponding domain. You might never need the backup, but it’s always best to play it safe. This ensures the content is pretty much finalized and I have all the info I need to write a good title & description using SEOPress. Copy. Views. Pre-Launch: These are all the items I need to do while the website is still on the development server. Take time to get your post launch right and you will transform every customer into a raving fan for the lifetime of your business. This checklist was created by theoceanagency. But being a solo-agency, there’s never anyone there to really check my work and make sure I didn’t forget to dot and i’s or cross and t’s. Over the past 3 or 4 months I’ve been using my own paired-down list— which only takes about an hour to knock out and ensure I’m not forgetting any of the crucial aspects before I wrap the project up. Send pre-release announcements Leading up to a product launch you want to make sure you're generating as much buzz as possible, and sending out a batch of pre-release announcements ahead of launch day can help to start up the hype machine. In addition, you have to remember that ranking is not something that is going to happen in an instant, and with SEO being such a complicated process, you often need to seek professional help for ongoing support. Content is everything. The Side Project Marketing Checklist is a comprehensive, chronologically ordered list of marketing tactics and ideas that you can try with your next side project. If a client is on a care plan, of course this will be handled for them— but if they are not this is a good step to take to make sure they are covered in the future when they inevitably run into issues. The post-launch is where your company actually makes its best impression. At this time, we’d encourage you to take a few minutes and become familiar with the new Online Banking and verify your information: Login to the new Online Banking. If you click on something and you get a page 404, then you have an issue and that’s not going to reflect well on your website. Taking a break for a few days can help see the website again as a fully completed, final piece. Another tactic we recommend: ask people you trust what they think. Launch Week Checklist Throughout the rest of your book’s first week, there are a few places where it’s worth following up to make sure your launch is as successful as possible. Post-launch. It’s important that you check the security of your website, and this can be in various formats. Monitor Google Analytics. You can get the printable PDF pre-launch blog checklist by signing up for our newsletter below. after the site has been moved to my customer’s domain. Visit and go to the Secure Login box. Once I’ve pushed the client’s site live there are a couple things I like to check (or double check!) Expect a successful launch to be your full go-to-market strategy (check out this post) Launch Checklist. It tells your followers that your website is live and will give you a boost with those initial user numbers. Respond to comments on article. Today I’m going to show you a complete product launch checklist. Wrike – your live WordPress Checklist. This is a nice way to make sure all those old edits are cleaned up before the site goes live. PHASE 1 – MAIN SET-UP PREPARATION: Add tracking analytics (at a minimum – Google Analytics and Google Search Console). Yet, our post website launch checklist is not complete if you haven’t checked for correct onsite SEO. Contact forms and eCommerce sites are often set to test modes before launch. In a lot of ways, an online course is a set-it-and-forget-it product. Pre-Launch Checklist. Our interactive pdf checklist will help you stay organized and follow our recommended pre & post launch procedures. Ensure that it’s working properly, or take it a step further by customizing a unique 404 page. Before you get too comfortable, make sure to review The Ultimate Post Website Launch Checklist for any last minute tasks. There isn’t as much traffic on Bings search, but any little bit helps— and Apple uses Bing as the default search engine on their products. I like to go ahead and setup uptime monitoring if I’m going to be managing the site. Questions have been grouped in the following categories: Create a Launch Checklist. Post-Launch Checklist. These are all good signals for the Goog’s. The site is prepped, checklists are double-checked, and everything is in place. This final phase is somewhat misleading. You can see how many links back you have to your website here. But if you’ve built up a social media audience on any platform, including LinkedIn, remember to post about your book on launch day. If you know elements you don’t enjoy, try to explore why you dislike them. copy saved. Linkedin. If you only commit to one step of the post website launch checklist, be sure it’s this one. Share on our social channels. After you’ve designed and launched your website*, you’re ready to move on to the next steps. 1,096. For any local business, I like to make sure I’ve embedded a Google Map and been VERY consistent (I mean copy-and-paste perfect) with the Name, Address, & Phone Number. separately on each and every webpage can be such a tedious work. Post-Launch Checklist As you continue to pick up knowledge and tips, and as technology changes, it’s important that you continually update your list over time. Sure, they will do it eventually, but connecting it to Search Console and requesting indexing makes this happen quicker. A pre-launch checklist is a productive tool for those who desire to make their site every bit successful. Submitting your website to local directories, business directories, and even business social media networks are ideal starting points to announce your website debut. Hopefully you find this list and my explanations helpful for your next launch. Earlier we submitted your website to the Google Search Console, which is mainly to provide valuable SEO information about your website. Forgetting about post-launch marketing and how to get people to your website for a second (that's a whole other story! The last thing you want is to then lose it all due to a mistake. Okay, I’ll admit it. 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