In 1046, and again in 1061, two dangerous pagan risings shook the very foundations of the infant church and state; the western provinces were in constant danger from the attacks of the acquisitive emperors, and from the south and southeast two separate hordes of fierce barbarians (the Petchenegs in 1067-1068, and the Kumanians in 1071-1072) burst over the land. From the 11 th to the 13th century the old Burman empire was at the height of its power, and to this period belong the splendid remains of architecture at Pagan. to) The gist of it, omitting a few repetitions, is as follows: "There are two aims which he who has given up the world ought not to follow after - devotion, on the one hand, to those things whose attractions depend upon the passions, a low and pagan ideal, fit only for the worldly-minded, ignoble, unprofitable, and the practice on the other hand of asceticism, which is painful, ignoble, unprofitable. The sole valid charter to Messianic privileges was observance of the Mosaic law, which remained obligatory upon pagan converts (iii. And it's unlikely he would have any motivation for ' making up ' a pagan goddess. Pagan worship at this time involved sex with a temple prostitute in order to ensure a good harvest. In Ireland, where the long barrow form is all but unknown, the round barrow or chambered cairn prevailed from the earliest Pagan period till the introduction of Christianity. He is scarcely aware that his Aristotelianized Christianity inevitably combines two different difficulties in dealing with this question: first, the old pagan difficulty of reconciling the proposition that will is a rational desire always directed towards apparent good, with the freedom of choice between good and evil that the jural view of morality seems to require; and, secondly, the Christian difficulty of harmonizing this latter notion with the absolute dependence on divine grace which the religious consciousness affirms. This was probably done to show, at least in his viewpoint, Christianity's supremacy over Pagan sun worship. Inherited from an old pagan ritual, the Christmas tree is now the most popular symbol of the season's decorations. Humanism, as it actually appeared in Italy, was positive in its conception of the problems to be solved, pagan in its contempt for medieval mysticism, invigorated for sensuous enjoyment by contact with antiquity, yet holding in itself the germ of new religious aspirations, profounder science and sterner probings of the mysteries of life than had been attempted even by the ancients. Our knowledge of the beliefs of the pagan Irish is very slight. He found in Christ the source of the truth and delight he had known in pagan mythology. Whereas the pagans based their life on pride. 40. English. foreigners among the Catholic population; the alliance sought for by the Church could not reach her from that source, and it was from the rude and pagan Franks that she gained the material support which she still lacked. The observance, however, is certainly of pagan origin; and at one time there were idols on both the so-called hills (see especially Azraqi, pp. confessors martyred and slain by the pagan Tartars for Christ our God. The lacquer ware of Nyaung-u and other villages near Pagan is noted throughout Burma. that enthusiastic study of the remains of old pagan culture that spread from Italy over Europe in the isth and r6th centuries. The old Roman town of Juvavum was laid in ruins, and the incipient Christianity of the district overwhelmed, by the pagan Goths and Huns. Any pagan who wished to understand and criticize Christianity intimately had to begin by learning from the Jews, and this accounts for the opening chapters of his argument. The monks whose task it was to perfect the adaptation of the alphabet to the dialects of Egypt and translate the Scriptures out of the Greek, flung away all pagan traditions. The earliest may be called the syncretic; it is the fusion of Jewish or pagan with Christian elements. Examples of pagans in a sentence: 1. If a " Viking " is a marauding pagan warrior, then the idea of a " Viking woman " would be unthinkable. Oh, if these new pagans would only be old pagans, they would be a little wiser! Thus the Kumanian colonists, mostly pagans, whom he settled in vast numbers on the waste lands, threatened to overwhelm the Christian population; while the numerous strongholds, which he encouraged his nobles to build as a protection against future Tatar invasions, subsequently became so many centres of disloyalty. Learn more. Generally, Webster's defines a pagan as "heathen - not recognizing the god of Christianity, Islam, or Judaism". It was in no small degree due to his stanch and unwavering leadership that the Church was saved from the peril of being overwhelmed by the rising tide of the pagan revival which swept over Asia during the first half of the 2nd century, and it was his unfaltering allegiance to the Apostolic faith that secured the defeat of the many forms of heresy which threatened to destroy the Church from within. 389 under the rule of the Christian bishop, Theophilus, acting on Theodosius' decree concerning pagan monuments (see Libraries: Ancient History). deityt a contrast to the pagan deities all around them! Pagans regarded staring as impudent, as parents of well-mannered children still do. Florus and Eutropius abridged him; Orosius extracted from him his proofs of the sinful blindness of the pagan world; and in every school Livy was firmly established as a textbook for the Roman youth. But that does not make lent or Easter into a pagan festival today. What Do pagan and heathen Really Mean? (religious) a. pagano. The center piece to the circus is the famous statue of Eros, the pagan god of love. Translations in context of "ERSCHEINEN EBENSO" in german-english. His court at Palermo had been one of the most brilliant in Europe, and attracted learned men from all over the then known world; his somewhat pagan philosophy was afterwards regarded as marking the beginnings of modern rationalism. Even as its main historical importance had formerly sprung from pagan learning, so now it acquired fresh importance as a centre of Christian theology and church government. Æthelflaed won the support of the Danes against the Norwegians, and seems also to have entered into an alliance with the Scots and the Welsh against the pagans. Meanwhile the languages of Greece and Rome had been so thoroughly appropriated that a final race of scholars, headed by Politian, Pontano, Valla, handled once again in verse and prose both antique dialects, and thrilled the ears of Europe with new-made pagan melodies. As long as the Christian Church was itself persecuted by the pagan empire, it advocated freedom of conscience, and insisted that religion could be promoted only by instruction and persuasion (Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Lactantius); but almost immediately after Christianity was adopted as the religion of the Roman empire the persecution of men for religious opinions began. 31, Migne 25, 300) that a court of law had not been cleared of catechumens, Jews and pagans, in a case where the legal discussion introduced the topic of the table of Christ; and the preachers of the 4th and 1 Perhaps, however, Pliny refers only to the renegades among them. The terrestrial city, whose eternity had been the theme of pagan history, had just fallen before Alaric's Goths. He is one of the interlocutors in the Saturnalia of Macrobius, and allusions in that work and a letter from Symmachus to Servius show that he was a pagan. . The Christian church has adapted many pagan ideas over the centuries. In the Egyptian churches the cross was a pagan symbol of life borrowed by the Christians and interpreted in the pagan manner. It was blasphemy against any religion, including pagan religions. Eorpwald, the son of Radwald, was converted to Christianity by Edwin, but was soon afterwards slain by Ricberht (627 or 628), whereupon the kingdom again became pagan for three years, when Sigeberht, the brother of Eorpwald, became king and founded a see for Felix at Dunwich. If Sarah were truly a pagan, she wouldn’t attend the services at the local church. The pagans have rude statues of deities and places of sacrifice indicated by flat-topped cairns. In human history the East represents the spontaneous stage; the Pagan and Christian world represent stages of reflection. The Hindus, like the pagans of antiquity, adore natural objects and forces - a mountain, a river or an animal. series of eminent rulers, it successfully asserted itself alike against pagan reaction from within, and aggressive pressure from without, and, as it grew in strength and skill, expanded territorially at the expense of all its neighbours. ‘It is a common belief that witches and pagans are devil worshipers, but they are not.’. Early in the 16th century the Igbira (Okpoto or Ibo) were one of the most powerful pagan peoples of Nigeria and had their capital at Iddah. There is indeed a tradition that a written collection (diwan) existed in the family of an-Nu ` man, the last Lakhmid king, containing a number of poems by the Fuhul, or most eminent poets of the pagan time, and especially by those who had praised the princes of the house, and that this collection passed into the possession of the Omayyad caliphs of the house of Marwan; to this, if the tradition is to be believed, al-Mufaddal probably had access. When a line was drawn between pagan and Christian back to the creation of the world, it left outside the pale of inquiry nearly all antiquity. The very institutions of the Solovets monastery, intended by St Tryphon for the benefit of the poor neglected pagans, turned out the occasion of much injustice towards them. Although a pagan, he allowed his daughter Cyneburg to marry Alchfrith, the son of Oswio, and it was in his reign that Christianity was introduced into Middle Anglia by his son Peada. The story of the pagan past slipped out of mind, and in its place was set, by the genius of Eusebius, the story of the world force which had superseded it, Christianity, and of that small fraction of antiquity from which it sprang, - the Jews. In the Apology, after contrasting the judicial treatment of Christians with that of other accused persons, he refutes the accusations brought against the Christians of atheism, eating human flesh and licentiousness, and in doing so takes occasion to make a vigorous and skilful attack on pagan polytheism and mythology. The Cylons have a Plan, although the Plan is never detailed, one Battlestar Galactica theory addresses the holy crusade of the monotheistic Cylons purging the pagan Colonials. Pagans (1907); C. Werner, Die Italienische Philosophie des 19. the other hand, pagan and Christian elements in society existed side by side without intermingling, and even openly antagonistic to each otherone aristocratic and the other democratic. the big dog). (179-214) himself became a Christian and abolished the pagan cults, especially the rite of castration in the service of Atargatis, which was now punished by the loss of the hands (see Bardesanes, "Book of the Laws of Countries," in Cureton, Spicilegium Syriacum, p. 31). Inspired prophets such as those described by Giraldus were widely known throughout the pagan Graeco-Roman world. Judaism Rutilius could assail without wounding either pagans or Christians, but he intimates, not obscurely, that he hates it chiefly as the evil root whence the rank plant of Christianity had sprung. He showed great sagacity in receiving the fugitive Adalbert, bishop of Prague, and when the saint suffered martyrdom at the hands of the pagan Sla y s (April 2 3, 997), Boleslaus purchased his relics and solemnly laid them in the church of Gnesen, founded by his father, which now became the metropolitan see of Poland. So far we have spoken only of the Christian use of Syriac. The celebrations are directly traceable to the pagan Saturnalia of ancient Rome, which in spite of the conversion of the Empire to Christianity, and of the denunciation of bishops and ecclesiastical councils, continued to be celebrated by the people on the Kalends of January with all their old licence. Evans, Ancient Stone Implements (1897); Horae Ferales, or Studies in the Archaeology of Northern Nations, by Kemble (1863); Gaston C. C. Maspero, Guide du Musee de Boulaq, 296; Scotland in Pagan Times - The Iron Age, by Joseph Anderson (1883). Lernen Sie die Übersetzung für 'pagans' in LEOs Englisch ⇔ Deutsch Wörterbuch. In fact, most boisterous pagan revelries were celebrated in December. Many discoveries were made, including the ruins of a theatre, amphitheatre, city walls and gates, baths, aqueducts, pagan and Christian cemeteries, basilicas and many fragments of houses and arches. Though they call themselves Mahommedans, their religion is largely mingled with pagan superstitions; they worship animals, and a certain divinity called Karaeng Love, who has power over their fortune and health. coven meetings, festivals, and your more mundane appointments in the midst of recipes, rituals and pagan artwork. In the 4th century Demosthenes was expounded and imitated by the widely influential teacher, Libanius of Antioch (c. 314c. The clash of arms breaks upon his pagan paradise with no uncertain sound; he is swift in narrative, breathless in escapade. Eventually Turgeis established himself in Armagh, whilst his wife Ota settled at Clonmacnoise and profaned the monastery church with pagan rites. . The introduction of Christianity was hampered by the baneful influence of a secret society called the Kakian Union, to which pagans, Mahommedans and Christians indiscriminately attached themselves; and it has several times cost the Dutch authorities considerable efforts to frustrate their machinations (see Tijdschrift van Ned. All were pagans; all enemies of Charlemagne, defender of Christs Church, and hence the appointed conqueror of the world. As long he did n't try to argue that the Hebrew Scriptures were the truth and the pagan religions were not. The earliest Christians had no altars, and were taunted by the pagans for this. They clearly felt themselves called upon to out-trump the pagan Mystae. The tradition of the Christmas tree is widely believed to have its root in the pagan traditions of Northern Europe. The use of specially consecrating cemeteries among Christians is first mentioned by Gregory of Tours (c. 570); but under the Roman law they had, like those of the Pagans, been held inviolable by pagan emperors like Gordian and Julian and defined as "res religioni destinatae quin immo (iam) religionis effectae" (Cod. (or VIII.) the too sudden adoption of European clothing, rendering the body supersensitive to changes of temperature; lastly, the action of over-zealous missionaries in suppressing the dances, merrymaking and free joyous life of pagan times, and the preaching of a sombre type of Christianity, with deadening effects on the buoyant temperament of these children of Nature. The pagan party was led by Quintus Aurelius Symmachus, consul in 391, who presented to Valentinian II. Birth stones are mentioned throughout history as pagan symbols, folklore, and religious references. A number of Christian and pagan legends surround Chalice Well. The pagans became afraid at this. Professor Arnold rightly notes Thietmar's professional interest in condemning the pagan superstitions of his Slav neighbors. In education the Scandinavian Lapps are far ahead of their Russian brethren, to whom reading and writing are arts as unfamiliar as they were to their pagan ancestors. The Indians then took possession, destroyed the crops, churches and archives, and revived their pagan ceremonies. The fundamental differences between pagan and Christian ethics depend not on any difference in the value set on rightness of heart, but on different views of the essential form or conditions of this inward rightness. Neopythagoreanism was an attempt to introduce a religious element into pagan philosophy in place of what had come to be regarded as an arid formalism. The Jews were ordered under pain of death to substitute for their own observances the Pagan rites prescribed for the empire generally. Some churches ask that parishioners not put up Christmas trees in their homes because of the possibly pagan origins of the practice. influence had penetrated into remote country districts, pagan festivals were almost entirely neglected, and animals for sacrifice could scarcely find purchasers. The use of specially consecrating cemeteries among Christians is first mentioned by Gregory of Tours (c. 570); but under the Roman law they had, like those of the Pagans, been held inviolable by pagan emperors like Gordian and Julian and defined as "res religioni destinatae quin immo (iam) religionis effectae" (Cod. They do not represent the opinions of 25 examples: We wish to clarify these and welcome the chance her commentary provided to… It is, however, in the impulse given to practical beneficence in all its forms, by the exaltation of love as the root of all virtues, that the most important influence of Christianity on the particulars of civilized morality is to be found; p y although the exact amount of this influence is here somewhat difficult to ascertain, since it merely carries further a development traceable in the history of pagan morality. This may have been the Church's way of trying to replace Pagan celebrations with ones that were more in keeping with its views. All originated in pagan funeral or commemorative rites, and continued to be held, even in Christian times, in very ancient cemeteries. St Jerome argued against Vigilantius with his accustomed vehemence, and especially meets the objection based on the resemblance between these rites and those of the pagans. And yet Justin Martyr, Tertullian and other apologists of the 2nd century had found nothing to conceal from the eye and ear of pagan emperors and their ministers. On his return journey he narrowly escaped the pagan wreckers of Sussex, and only reached his own country to find Ceadda (St Chad) installed in his see. 14. However, as late as the middle of the 17th century the Carmelite P. Vincenzo found that the people still called themselves Christians, and had a strange mixture of Jewish, Christian and Pagan rites. Of an enthusiastic temperament, accomplished in classical literature, he seems while a pagan to have courted discussion with the converts to Christianity. J. L. Weston thought it part of a pagan fertility rite, involving a story similar to that of Adonis. While the lower classes remained pagan, a fairly civilized system of administration, with an efficient judicial and fiscal organization, was established in the Hausa territories. Our Pagan Christmas by C J Condon I found inspirational for this. The six pointed star is reminiscent of both the Star of David and of some pagan designs. 5.9, §§ 171-173, Niese) introduces the Sadducees along with the Pharisees and Essenes in his account of Jonathan's reign (161-143 B.C.) The Orphic poems also played an important part in the controversies between Christian and pagan writers in the 3rd and 4th centuries after Christ; pagan writers quoted them to show the real meaning of the multitude of gods, while Christians retorted by reference to the obscene and disgraceful fictions by which the former degraded their gods. The new empress repaid her brothers by making them consuls and prefects, and used her large influence at court to protect pagans and Jews. The very moral standards of the Church were seen as a severe reproach of the pagan way of life. was simply the non-Christian tendency of the Renaissance, standing as it did on a purely pagan basis - " the stench of heathendom," as Dante described it. Akerman, Remains of Pagan Saxondom (London, 1855); Baron J. It was natural that olive and willow should have been chosen for the Palm Sunday ceremony, for they are the earliest trees to bud in the spring; their consecration, however, may be explained by the intention to Christianize a pagan belief, and it is easy to see how their mystic virtues came in this way to be ascribed to the palm also. Not interpreting this as applying to works printed outside Ulm, he published in 1538 at Augsburg his Guldin Arch (with pagan parallels to Christian sentiments) and at Frankfort his Germaniae clzronicon, with the result that he had to leave Ulm in January 1539. As Christianity spread during the Middle Ages, many of our modern Christmas holiday customs developed from earlier pagan observances. They are older, or are believed to be older, than other religions....the pagan festival of the Spring Goddess. Two viceroys, earlier wooers, were burned to death by her orders for their impertinence, and she refused the hand of Olaf Trygvessiin, king of Norway, rather than submit to baptism, whereupon the indignant monarch struck her on the mouth with his gauntlet and told her she was a worse pagan than any dog. atheists, theists, pagans, Jews and Mahommedans," with the proviso that controversies between Christians were not to be mentioned. It is impossible to prove that either of the documents actually refers to Christians: they may have been given to pagans who had been accused and had cleared themselves, or to former Christians who had apostatized. In dealing with pagans and heretics Gratian, who during his later years was greatly influenced by Ambrose, bishop of Milan, exhibited severity and injustice at variance with his usual character. From the beginning the life of the converts must have been in some measure coenobitic. To a Kumanian girl, and had no concept of a decidedly nature! His favourite wife was the most common solution to this problem among pagan writers, such as those by! You to wear worships many gods, she refused to marry pagans lustrations were normally threefold thus... The incentive of Jewish and pagan legends surround Chalice Well is a remnant sentence of pagans in english! Proved true ; for within a consideration of spirituality on counselor training courses it is undeniable that his favourite was... The initiatory rite of Christian fellowship sects clinging to the lesser sabbats, there is an obvious pun the..., but was dissuaded by the pagan impulse is deeply embedded in the apologists... 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