The idea that the Scribes and Pharisees (i.e., “the fathers of Israel”) were the direct successors of Moses’ authority is stated nowhere in Old Testament Scripture; yet He Who is the Word of God tells us this based on oral Tradition. I'm hearing this and reading about this. . MARK MITTELBERG: I'll take the last part. Just the opposite, in fact. SN: So, what we have at Leipzig really is that we’re beginning to see the plank of sola scriptura—that crucial plank of Reformation of theology—being laid down, and Eck brought this out in Luther. 1 Clement then continues this thought in 44:1-2, where it reads: “Our Apostles knew through our Lord Jesus Christ that there would be strife for the office of bishop. It's a condition that if it were like this then this is the way it would be. the deacons) their proper services have been imposed. The question is: Does God know how we would act in any situation in which he might put us? But every person I talk to, regardless of where they come from, always has some number random that's out there. That was really neat. FACT: Yes it was. Statement of Faith: Sola Scriptura 1. FACT: Yet, while not being recorded in the Old Testament, Jesus Himself — Who is (let us not forget) the Word of God — bears testimony to its legitimacy. FACT: Three of these oral Traditions documented in 1 Clement are: 1. Using the Eucharist as an example, one cannot therefore say that “Tradition” in 2 Thess 2:15 merely refers to a “one-time deliverance of teaching” from Paul to the Corinthians, but is rather an on-going institution, exercised weekly in the Eucharistic celebration itself. QUESTION: OK, so let me make sure that I understood. Sola Scriptura implies several things. Wherever the bishop appears, let the people be there; just as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.”. And Scripture itself testifies to this, the same Scripture which testifies that Christian truth comes to us in two ways: through Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition (2 Thess 2:15). The Earth is not flat. Corinth itself) until it was excluded from the New Testament in 397 A.D.. It's a knowledge of what are called subjunctive conditionals. ¶ Le réformateur calviniste John Knox (1514-1572) sur l’application de la doctrine biblique et protestante du Sola Scriptura aux autorités civiles. MIKE LICONA: OK, well, that could reflect on the character of God. DR. CRAIG: Have you had a chance to read what I’ve written on this yet? Is “Sola Scriptura” reasonable? Is it reasonable to believe the Christians should rely on the Bible alone as it's sole authority? Archived. Prayer makes a difference. QUESTION: All of Scripture is God-breathed and there are no errors. FACT: There is also no statement within any of these New Testament books claiming that these books are Divinely-inspired. Yet, the Book of Exodus itself never names these two magicians, nor does any other book of OT Scripture. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. So when it says so-and-so begat so-and-so, it doesn't necessarily mean that was father and son. Signup with WebTalk – Earn Money Every Month Using Social Media. I say, I feel like you're working harder at finding excuses not to consider what I'm talking about than you are at finding the truth. 3. So what is God's relationship to time and how do we see God . For to the high priest (e.g. So we just don't know. [1]  (accessed July 22, 2019). Using that sort of knowledge then he can providentially order the world so that your prayers really do make a difference. So, it therefore follows that if the Jewish leaders who “held the chair of Moses” — leaders who didn’t even possess the Holy Spirit (as our bishops did and do) …If these Jewish leaders were Divinely-guided to define a canon of the Old Testament in c. 200 B.C. QUESTION: In a way it would be a conflict that would show some sort of error within the way we have the Bible right now. I think it's scientific naturalism which tries to say somehow it all got here without God. a reasonable faith. In the first place the early Church did not have a Bible with which to practice sola scriptura. A: To the entire Church as well, as evidenced in 14:16 (…to be with you always), 17 (He remains with you and will be in you), and John 17:20-21, which continues this Last Supper discourse: “I pray not only for them (i.e., the Apostles), but also for those who will believe in me through their word (i.e., the whole Church), so that they may be one, as You, Father, are in me and I in You, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that You sent me.”. But at the end of the day we just don't know. So that's how I would answer that. Because in the Bible the way they would record genealogies they often would say so-and-so begat so-and-so but they skipped generations. FACT: There is nothing in Scripture suggesting that a time will come when this dual expression of Christian truth (Scripture and oral Tradition) will come to an end. Sola Scriptura teológiai szakfolyóirat. Even if the world, as the video says, is a projection of my brain – that I am all that exists – nevertheless that still cries out for some explanation. These are if-then statements in the subjunctive mood, not the indicative mood. QUESTION: But it is not consistent in the passages. . FACT: 1 Timothy 3:15 calls the Church the “pillar and foundation of Truth.” Yet, Scripture alone is never called this; nor is Scripture ever considered authoritative when apart from the Church, which is guided by this same Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:20-21 & 2:1-3). So maybe John wrote the Gospel and then later on he thought, Oh, I forgot about this story, and in the second edition he included it in. MODERATOR: I want to open the floor for questions. I think that's the enemy. Among these are 1 Corinth 10:4 (in which the rock in the desert is said to “follow” the Children of Israel under Moses…something not recorded in Scripture, but found only in Jewish oral Tradition, even to this day) and Jude 9 and Jude 14 (in which the Apostle cites extra-Scriptural Traditions about Michael and Satan fighting over Moses’ body, and conveys a prophecy from Enoch …neither of which are found in the OT Scriptures). Therefore, it must be admitted that the Word of God as we have it in the Old Testament is not merely a Scriptural record, but rather comes to us (at least in this one case) through both Scripture as well as a living oral Tradition. Is it reasonable to believe the Christians should rely on the Bible alone as it's sole authority? I think one of the problems is Christians aiming their guns at each other and wanting to attack each other over the age of the Earth. We believe the Holy Scriptures to be plenary-verbally inspired, the very Word of God, authoritative, infallible and inerrant in the original writings (autographs). DR. CRAIG: Except that that's not what Sola Scriptura means. I have a friend who did his PhD – his doctoral research – on this text, and he went into it wanting to show that this was in the original Gospel of John. 3. Sola Scriptura does not work. User account menu. Sola Scriptura Debate!! It’s Kevin Harris, and you are in for a rousing, entertaining, and informative podcast today as Dr. Craig joins a panel discussion with Mike Licona, Mark Mittelberg, and Leighton Flowers who also is moderator of this panel, and just fields a variety of questions like whether the universe is a hologram (maybe it’s just a projection and not really real), how prayer and time work together, and God’s justice. I think sometimes it's just a dodge, and I think sometimes we just have to kind of pull it back and get honest and get real with people. FACT: The present canon of the New Testament was not determined until the year 397 A.D. at the Council of Carthage. FACT: There is something in Scripture advocating reliance on both Scripture as well as oral Tradition (2 Thess 2:15, Phil 4:9, 1 Corinth 11:2, 2 Thess 3:6). Wez Hitzke’s work is thought provoking and will provide stimulating reading for those who like to ruminate on the ‘chewy’ aspects of life and reality. DR. CRAIG: Let me say this. And to follow-up with that, you are starting to hear the stuff about Earth is flat. The second-order claim (sola scriptura) denies that public revelation is found outside of Scripture after God ceased to disclose himself orally or textually to and for believers in general. So no matter if God is outside of time or not, he would in all his knowledge know that I'm going to pray, and he decided based on his previous knowledge of the fact I will pray tomorrow? the bishop) his proper ministrations are allotted, and to the priests (e.g. MARK MITTELBERG: I would just add to that on a more personal level I think a lot of times it's just people are looking for interesting theories that kind of take you off on rabbit trails of philosophical speculation rather than letting the truth get to them. The layman is bound by the ordinances for the laity. MODERATOR: It sounds like what you are arguing is it seems inconsistent. And I cannot imagine what sort of a defeater would fit that condition. DR. CRAIG: I think what you're referring to is the idea that the universe is some sort of hologram. These Latin phrase—Sola Scriptura, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria—tell us that Scripture alone is our highest authority and that salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for God’s glory alone. Is His Church guided less by the living Spirit of God than the Jewish people who preceded it? Take care, then, to use one Eucharist, so that whatever you do, you do according to God: for there is one Flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ, and one Cup in the union of His Blood; one altar, as there is one bishop with the presbytery and my fellow servants, the deacons.”. Sola Scriptura (Latin for “Bible Alone”) is the teaching that the Bible is the only infallible rule of faith for the church today (2 Timothy 3:16-17). I think that's aiming the guns the wrong way. Now return to Slick’s complaint. Not in the sense that it changes God's mind, but in the sense that God knew whether we would pray or not, and if we would pray he may have providentially decided to do certain things that he would not have done had he known we would not pray. FACT: There is also nothing in Scripture determining a Divinely-selected list of inspired books (i.e., the present New Testament canon). This resource has material suitable for all sorts of people from the honest sceptic seeking truth to the Christian living the life. … C’est en maniant adroitement cette doctrine que les protestants peuvent systématiquement démonter les dogmes non-bibliques du catholicisme … Mike, do you want to start by answering that one? So that's a faulty way to add up and determine . The Bible says we should be lovers of truth. It ultimately resulted in new churches based on biblical principles apart from Catholic traditions and leadership. We would be wise to go after that rather than fighting each other on the age of the Earth.[4]. You can have conflicts within the Bible. Go ahead. The Bible, being fully inspired by God in its entirety, is His perfect Word and is the authority for all faith and life. 1. But, it is a mistake to view the Christian message as a simple written record preserved by human means and dependent on human intelligence. DR. CRAIG: Yeah. Some of them will go with us on that. [16:12] “I have much more to tell you, but you cannot bear it now. Why Is Sola Scriptura Unreasonable?Protestants believe the Bible is the only source for determining Christian truth. He can know how we would pray whether he's in time or timeless. On Peter and Paul in Rome, Ignatius writes in his Epistle to the Romans 4:3 : “Not as Peter and Paul did, do I command you. I think he does have that kind of knowledge. Since those who have a Sola Scriptura hermeneutic do not accept Tradition and the Magisterium, before it can be shown that the Immaculate Conception, for example, is necessary to be believed, the Catholic must first show why the claims of Catholic authority are reasonable. So then those who offer their oblations at the appointed times are acceptable and blessed, but they follow the laws of the Master and do not sin (i.e., 1 Corinth 11: 27-30). Scripture alone is authoritative in faith and practice. [2] , [3] , [4]           Total Running Time: 21:26 (Copyright © 2019 William Lane Craig). I'll just take the first stab at this. . “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). It means he's in the lineage of David not necessarily, in that case clearly not, “the son of.” Besides all that, there's a separate question of how old the Earth is and how old the cosmos is and so on. The phrase Sola Scriptura doesn’t appear in the Bible, therefore the Roman Catholic paradigm is true”. DR. CRAIG: No, no. It seems as if the demise of sola Scriptura has been highly exaggerated. On Apostolic succession, 1 Clement 42:1-4 reads: “The Apostles received the Gospel for us from the Lord Jesus Christ; and Jesus Christ was sent by God. However, it is maintained, preserved, and continually defined and proclaimed correctly under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Who will be with us always; and Who will prevent our appointed shepherds from leading the entire Church astray. [1] Here’s part one, from Reasonable Faith. Sola Scriptura is one of the watchwords of the Reformation which means Scripture alone is the authority in matters of faith and practice, not church tradition as the Catholic Church held. Catholic Church placed church tradition on equal ground with Scripture, and the Protestant reformers affirmed sola – only – Scripture. So, now we’ve come full circle. Let's love what's real; let's pursue what's right and what's true. That would just mean we might not, at very worst, if we couldn't explain some of that, we'd say we may not like the character of God but it wouldn't mean the Bible has an error in it. I thought that was fascinating. You may know this, but for those of you that don't, there's real problems with trying to add up the age of man alone, never mind the Earth or the cosmos, based on genealogies. When ... on top of everything else I had recently ascribed to, like sola Scriptura and salvation by faith alone. So I'd invite you just to look at that and ponder what I say there and see if it doesn't remove the inconsistency. Sola Scriptura: the belief that the Scripture alone is the final and only infallible source for matters of faith and practice. This work is the first that I am aware of to combine, in one place, all of the work that has been done on this topic, but perhaps has not been presented as a single, cohesive argument. The first-order claim is about the primacy of divine revelation in Christian theology and ethics. There was no New Testament as we understand it today throughout the first century. So that's the proper meaning of the term. . Maybe it was in a second edition of the Gospel of John. He commanded us to celebrate Sacrifices and services (the Eucharist), and that it should not be thoughtlessly or disorderly (i.e., 1 Corinth 11: 17-34), but at fixed times and hours. Can I just be really honest with you? It was quasi-clear so I was hoping you would give me an explanation. I guess I'll say one more thing about it and then hand the baton to the other guys. ….They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer, because they do not admit that the Eucharist is the Flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, thesameFleshwhichsufferedfor our sins and which the Father, in His graciousness, raised from the dead.”. They're called counterfactuals because typically what they envision is not factual. Trent Horn • 11/19/2018. The popular press does not understand science and as a result it systematically promotes the sensational, the outrageous, the outlandish because this is what is a headline-grabber. Let that be considered a valid Eucharist which is celebrated by the bishop, or by one whom he appoints. If you have a specific person you would like to address the question to, please let us know that as well. May God be glorified as we reclaim the mind for Christ. …And by a Church which clearly accepted both Scripture and oral Tradition as the rule of Faith. . What I'm saying is whether God is in time or out of time, because he's omniscient he knows if you were to pray or if you were in this situation you would pray for this. Sola Scriptura simply means that all truth necessary for our salvation and spiritual life is taught either explicitly or implicitly in Scripture. These Biblical truths served as theological pillars that supported the whole of Spurgeon’s ministry. How to deal with it? MIKE LICONA: Do I believe in Sola Scriptura? You were using it to designate something different. It therefore follows that we have a continuation of Christian Tradition: a Tradition which never included a doctrine of Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone). The Gospels were not written down immediately. I'd say yes. La doctrine du Sola Scriptura (locution latine signifiant l’Écriture seule), selon laquelle la Bible est l’unique autorité ultime et finale en matière de théologie, est un fondement du protestantisme depuis cinq siècles (quoique cette doctrine existait depuis l’Église primitive). Why would that negate the inerrancy of the Bible? Also, in 2 Timothy 3:8, Paul directly names the two Egyptian magicians who opposed Moses before Pharaoh in Exodus 7:11-13. Both of these orderly arrangements, then, are by God’s will. I've never received to date a refutation of this from any atheist or Internet Infidel (that's what they call themselves). Furthermore, one would have to go back a few centuries to the work of William Whitaker, "Disputations on Holy Scripture" in 1588 or William Goode's "The Divine Rule of Faith and Practice" in 1853 for a comprehensive defense of sola Scriptura. I know as I share my faith with people often they will raise what seems like a good objection, and I give what I think seems like a good answer. If you gave sola fide the same treatment you’re giving sola Scriptura, you’d conclude that the Reformers didn’t believe that works had any place in the Christian experience at all. You said “his previous knowledge of how you will pray.” I'm talking about a very special kind of knowledge. For centuries the Roman Catholic Church had made its traditions superior in authority to the Bible. QUESTION: How is that reflected in the character of God? I was going to ask what your opinions on this particular matter were, and how do you deal with questions about that? Common sense suggests that some sort of oral tradition was always needed to accompany the Written Law. We English-speakers aren't very good with the subjunctive mood, but it would be conditionals like this: If I were rich, I would buy a Mercedes Benz. I think that's helping to remove barriers and get back to the real mission which is to present Christ and the Gospel to them. Aside from the Old Testament Scriptures, the Jews also lived by a number of ancient oral traditions (many of which will eventually be recorded in the Jewish Talmud). Therefore, do and observe all the things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example.’ “. Often would say so-and-so begat so-and-so, it does n't necessarily mean that was father and son topics. These are if-then statements in the original Gospel of John ) his proper ministrations are allotted and... They tell you, but you can start making your way to the Church you... 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