At our mission is to educate and inform you about the latest in professional bodybuilding, fitness, and sports-related content. "Hack" is a reference to the yoke placed around a draft animal's shoulders, notes strength training journalist Frederic Delavier in "Strength Training Anatomy." The Hack Squat exercise is normally performed on a large machine at a 45-degree angle to develop lower-body strength. Both variations will elicit similar results for pure strength and hypertrophy overall. Unlike a regular hack squat machine, the Smith version enables you to re-rack the bar at absolutely any point during a rep, which definitely encourages you to test your limits more often. You don’t want to limit trunk activation so incorporate free weights as well. If not, your overwhelming winner is the leg press. It may also be a safer way to lift maximum poundages. It actually more closely resembles a deadlift since you’re lifting from the floor but it’s very effective nonetheless. There are plenty of squat variations out there, but if you want to grow muscular, powerful quads and add general leg strength and power, then you need to learn the hack squat. All Rights Reserved. Place your shoulders under the shoulder pads and your back against the back pad of the hack squat machine. What are Hack Squats. This alleviates stress on the spine and allows more weight to be lifted overall. Start off light and gradually increase your working weights as you become stronger. [1] This exercise engages the gluteus maximus, adductor magnus (inner thigh), and soleus (calf) to … With the leg press, however, you’re able to relax the upper body slightly more than you can during the hack squat, which helps the mind-muscle connection for the lower-body muscles. The muscles used in the hack squat are the: Quadriceps; Glutes; Adductors; Calves; Abdominals; Spinal erectors (back muscles) The hack squat requires a significant amount of knee and hip flexion (bending). You can work every muscle in multiple ways and you don’t need to worry about stabilizing weight. As much as the exercise targets the lower body muscles; your arm muscles get engaged as … 1. How to do Hack Squat: Step 1: Place the back of your torso against the back pad of the machine. Comments are off this post! A hack squat works the entire lower body — including the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and calves — as well as the core. But no worries, there are some variations you can do to mimic the movement and they’re very effective. The squat is a beneficial exercise in general because it’s a lower-body strength and mass builder. But that doesn’t mean you should neglect the hack squat as it’s still a powerful exercise for building those wheels! matter and was fortunate enough to locate you. The quadriceps are usually the main, target muscle during any variation of a squat. Having a hack machine in your home gym allows you to squat without the pain. This is ideal for athletes which means free weights are preferred overall due to better stabilizer muscle development/maintenance. Matthew Magnante is the senior writer for Fitness Volt. The hack squat machine provides the balance, stability and offers support and protection to your lower back that the free weight standing squat rack does not. Widening your stance more than the normal foot placement will recruit your inner things or adductors. It also allows you to take a much narrower stance when performing the movement without the complications of being unbalanced (machine provides the stability). The hack squat works the muscles of the lower body including the legs, hip flexors, and even the core muscles. Feet should be in front of your knees with legs spread slightly wider than hip-width. Thanks a lot for the detailed reason, you drew attention to an extremely common matter! 6. You have the ability to lift maximal loads due to not having to stabilize the weight. Utilize longer rest periods (2-4 minutes), Hypertrophy – Stick with 8-15 reps using moderate-heavy weight. You should be leaning back against the bar. But, we’ll focus on the movement as a whole and explain how to utilize it for your aesthetic benefit…. It’s generally safer for the knees if they don’t pass your feet during lower body compound exercises. The hack squat is a compound movement that works all lower-body muscles ( quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and hip flexors) and the core muscles; which include the rectus abdominis and internal/external obliques. Mixing all of these exercises will give you the best leg burning workout possible. But the primary focus will be the quads and glutes. But it’s not the best option if training for functional performance since this variation does not require as many stabilizer muscles. Advantage: Leg Press. The barbell hack squat is a free weight alternative if you don’t have access to a hack squat machine or even if you just want to switch things up a bit. So, as one can imagine, the starting position for the hack squat is the heel. When it comes to developing the lower-body, the hack squat (or hack squats) performed with the machine is the preferred choice of bodybuilders and weightlifters.It is generally done on a sled, which appears to be similar to a Smith machine, letting you do the squat … The hack squat is a beneficial exercise you should consider adding to your leg day. You can build as much muscle with the hack squat as you can with the barbell back squat, although trunk activation is not as prominent which we’ll explain further. 1. (2, 3). And if your gym doesn’t have a hack squat machine you can always do one of the variations/alternatives above to get similar results. The quadriceps are usually the main, target muscle during any variation of a squat. 7. So, try out the hack squat and experience for yourself just how functional it really is! We gave you a small clue above; did you catch it? It helps to unload your spinal muscles and takes the upper body out of the equation altogether, isolating the legs. It’s entirely up to you. Barbell Hack Squat Muscles Worked Primarily, this exercise hits the quads muscles. The TDS 4-way Hip Sled is a workhorse hack squat machine that’s built to withstand heavy usage. Place your shoulders under the shoulder pads and your back against the back pad of the hack squat machine. Continue to go down until the angle between your upper legs and calves is less than 90-degrees. Your email address will not be published. Place your hands on the side handles of the machine. Slowly squat down so your upper legs are at or slightly below parallel. However, our reviews are based on well research backed analysis. Muscles Used: Hack Squat. The hack squat is much different than the conventional free weight barbell squat. How to use the hack squat machine. If you are able to do squats, then do so, then add in your hack squats and leg press. How To Add The Hack Squat To Your Workout Routine? Strength – Stick with 3-6 reps using heavier weight. (1). For the latest news and updates please follow us on. Disengage the safety bars. Generation Iron Brands LLC However, it’s no substitute for free weight training but it’s a viable option. Trending. These actions require the quads … But both movements target the same primary muscle groups and the strength benefits are very similar as well. Hack Squat Machine Vs Leg Press Although the squat is much more comprehensive and uses the hips, torso, and core muscles to support your body as you perform the squat. Hack Squat Exercise Information. Other muscles that benefit to a certain extent include calves, hip flexors, calves, obliques, and more. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. However, it’s definitely not a replacement, especially if you’re training for complete development. But if you’re using a challenging weight while continuing to implement progressive overload, you’ll still activate the trunk muscles to an extent. Only the shoulder and the feet are in contact with the machine, which means that there isn’t as fixed a range of motion for this exercise. The reasons I like hack squats are the absence of heavy resistance on your back and shoulders compared to regular squats, ability to train thigh muscles while limiting excessive hip development and the lack of weight balancing when using a hack squat machine. To gain muscle fast, we recommend: Crazy Bulk Legal Steroids, #1 Muscle Building Supplements © Copyright 2021 Generation Iron Brands LLC, Generation Iron Fitness & Bodybuilding Network, Hidetada Yamagishi’s Ultimate Men’s 212 Workout & Diet Plan, Brandon Hendrickson Reacts To The Olympia 2020 Men’s Open Results, Shaun Clarida: “For Me, Dexter Jackson Is The Greatest Of All…, Ronnie Coleman: Big Ramy Will Have His Own Era As Olympia…, Standing Dumbbell Upright Row – Exercise Guide, Dumbbell Lying Supination – Exercise Guide, Wrist Rotations With Barbell – Exercise Guide, Calf Press (Using Leg Press Machine) – Exercise Guide, Standing Dumbbell Calf Raise – Exercise Guide, Alternating Deltoid Raise – Exercise Guide, Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise – Exercise Guide. Squat down to parallel or slightly below. 8 Tips to Protect Your Joints While Exercising Smith machine hack squat exercise details. The other muscles worked in the hack squat, which are the quadriceps and gluteus maximus, are also worked while performing this variation of the movement. The Best Short Head Biceps Exercises For Bigger Upper Arms, Get More From Your Workouts with Supersets: The Ultimate Guide, 4 Advanced Bodyweight Chest Workouts At Home For Jacked Pecs, 6 Methods To Help You Cut Weight For Powerlifting Events, Bulking Meal Plan To Fill Out Your Sleeves and Turn Heads, How To Do The Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension, Box Jump Exercise Guide – Muscles Worked, How-to, Tips, and Variations, Dumbbell Iron Cross Exercise Guide and Videos, Good Morning Exercise Guide – Muscles Worked, How-to, Tips, and Variations, Dumbbell Incline Row Exercise Guide and Videos, Cable Incline Pushdown Exercise Guide and Videos, Hook Grip Deadlift Guide – Benefits, How-To, Tips And Variations, Dumbbell Front Raise Exercise Guide and Videos. 2. The barbell variation is little known to many however while its machine counterpart is well known. It’s effective for building muscle and strength; plus, you don’t need to balance a barbell on your traps; which is appealing for many. Calves are stimulated as a result and the core muscles play a big role in stabilization. However, it’s beneficial to know what differentiates the two and how to incorporate the hack squat in your training regime. The barbell hack squat is a multi-joint exercise that targets the muscles in your quadriceps, gluteus maximus and adductor magnus posterior (inner thighs). 8. Because you’re locked in during the movement, you don’t have to use your stabilizer muscles, therefore, you may be able to lift more weight overall which is a huge benefit. Required fields are marked *. New York, NY 10001 3. Angle yourself similar to the hack machine by stepping out and keeping your feet flat on the floor. Utilize the hack squat along with your conventional squats, deadlift, lunges, or any other leg exercises. Your email address will not be published. Now, the hack squat is generally safe to perform for most people and it’s unique in that you’re at an angle during the movement. Target Muscles. Having a wider-than-normal stance will also help in recruiting your hamstrings. The hack squats is a superb workout if you are faced with unbalanced problem of your leg muscles, thanks to its supportive equipment. Utilize shorter rest periods (1-2 minutes). The hack squat (HS) differs from the barbell back (BS) squat in many ways. Keep your toes slightly pointed out. The benefits of these machines are that they will relieve pressure on your lumbar region while allowing you to target specific areas of the thigh. 5. Repeat for the recommended repetitions. Position your legs on the platform with a shoulder-width stance and your toes pointing out slightly. Squat the weight up through your heels and thrust your hips forward as you pull. 11 Best Protein Powders Without Artificial Sweeteners, 10 Best Compact Home Gym Options To Consider Right Now, Powerlifting Legend David Ricks Squats 500lb for 10 Reps at 61 Years Old, Kristy Hawkins Shatters 3 World Records In One Meet, 18-yo Powerlifter Jackson Powell Scores Monstrous 2044.8lb Total In Recent Meet, Powerlifter Eric Lilliebridge Lands New All-Time PR With 483.5kg Squat, Eyes 500kg, Amanda Lawrence Sets Three Unofficial World Records With Amazing 1424.4lb Total, Ashton Rouska Conquers Two All-Time Tested World Records With 2,095.5lbs Total, 10 Healthy Habits of Fit People Who Achieve Their Fitness Goals, Shanique Grant 2x Ms. Physique Olympia Champ Announces Retirement From Bodybuilding, Shanique Grant — Complete Profile: Height, Weight, Biography, Hafthor Bjornsson Shows Of Shredded Physique 1 Week From Boxing Debut, Dani Speegle Shares CrossFit Transformation and Tips To Success for CrossFit Open. Also, utilize different rep ranges based on your goals. Email:, Vidur is a fitness junky who likes staying up to date with the fitness industry and loves publishing his opinions for everyone to see. The Smith machine is one of the most useful pieces of equipment available. Today for Breaking Muscle I’m going to be breaking down the hack squat. Step 3: Put your arms on the side handles of the machine. So, keep your shins as vertical as you can. I was looking for somebody who’d be able to clearly browse me with this Subscribe to his. The main muscles worked by the reverse hack squat are the Hamstrings and the Glutes, this movement also recruits the Calves and Quads as secondary muscles. I’ve been searching for a place like this for The barbell hack squat is an old school strength exercise that’s been used for decades by bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike to build strength in the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Squat through your heels and never the ball of your feet. Alternative Names: Machine hack squat, hack squats Type: Strength Experience Level: Beginner Equipment: Hack squat machine Muscles Targeted: Thighs, abs, hips, calves, lower back Mechanics: Compound Average Number of Sets: 3 with 8-10 reps each Variations: Barbell, reverse, Smith Machine, dumbbell, narrow stance, one-legged, kettlebell hack squats Keep your back glued to the pad and your head up at all times throughout the exercise. Never arch or round your back as this can cause pain and injury. The hack squat machine targets the quadriceps, a muscle group comprised of four heads (Rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, and vastus medialis (Internus)). Set up the bar so that you’re comfortably beneath it similar to a barbell back squat. Email: sm(at) Disclosure: has an affiliate relationship with different brands and is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. The design is similar to what you’ll find on most average-priced hack squat machines and allows you to perform hack squats and leg presses without any issues. Reverse Hack Squat Muscles Worked. In addition to these muscles, it targets the forearm muscles and the wrist flexors and extensors. Matthew's other passions include learning about mindfulness, strolling through nature, and always working to improve overall. He has had a passion for fitness since elementary school and continues to research and learn how to build muscle effectively through training and diet. You can build big, strong legs using the hack squat machine as you can really load up the weight and challenge your lower body. So, the glutes and hamstrings are engaged, especially since you’re squatting the weight up using your heels. look to understand what is going on. And according to studies, the BS elicits greater trunk activation than the HS. This will allow the weight to move smoothly up your posterior chain. Hack squats optimize your workout, but normal squats are also important. Some fitness centers do not have a hack squat machine. Place your hands on the side handles of the machine. Then push up through your heels and repeat for repetitions. Squat back up through your heels into a standing position. Keep your feet higher up on the platform (not too high though) so that you’re squatting through your heels and not the balls of your feet. The hack squat was originated in Germany and derives from the word hacke (heel). There are two main muscle groups that people tend to focus on when they are getting in shape: upper body and lower body. Hack squats, performed on a hack squat machine, derive their name from the machine's shoulder pads. Your upper legs should be slightly below parallel to the platform at the bottom of the movement. Although I share your view for the most part, I presume that a few factors are worth having a more detailed The machine hack squat variation was designed to simulate barbell squatting without as much strain on the lower back. Start with the loaded barbell on the floor and face away from it with your Achilles touching the bar. That’s because the trunk is highly supported at an angle against a backrest. The hack squat is also beneficial because the weight load is distributed through your center of mass at an angle. However, with a leg press, you can focus the effort on mainly just the legs. 2. Now, athletes can use the hack squat for lower body development as well. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. Always warm-up with a few sets of 40 to 50-60% of your one-rep max before training heavy, as it’s important for your safety. But the hip flexor muscles also do a lot of work as they contribute to lower body exercises by default. Just be sure to incorporate some free weight stability training as well to improve functional strength and develop stabilizer muscles of the legs too. The back squat may be the best overall thigh developer, but it is also the toughest on your spine and knees. 3. Reverse the motion by starting to raise the unit by extending at your knees and pushing through your heels. Hook your shoulders under the shoulder pads provided. Now, some gyms may not have a hack squat machine and that’s ok… we’ll show you some good alternatives. The hack squat is a machine-based squat accessory exercise that works your quads and glutes, while eliminating the stabilization requirement seen in a barbell back squat. The hack machine provides you the balance and stability to protect your lower back from injuries, which the freestanding squat rack cannot. Here’s some detailed information about this functional movement, with exercise instructions, and some neat variations…. Pause and contract your quads for a couple of seconds at the top of the movement. With the reverse hack squat, you will be targeting all major leg muscles. With your back straight, bend down and grip the barbell with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width distance apart. This will be your starting position. 134 West 29th Street Suite 902 What to Wear, Eat, and Do Before Your Marathon 15760 VIEWS. a very long time. Absolutely! Unfortunately, not all gyms decide to invest in a hack squat. Disengage the safety bars and straighten your legs without locking out your knees completely. Position your legs on the platform with a shoulder-width stance and your toes pointing out slightly. Use a weight that will not compromise good form and always make sure to focus on a mind/muscle connection for optimal results. While the shoulder-width foot placement targets the quads, wide foot placements or variations like the sumo squats primarily target the hamstrings. The hack squat allows you to focus more on the actually exercise rather than having to stabilize the weight which you’d need to do with the conventional barbell squat. Leanbean Fat Burner Review – Does It Have What You Need To Get Lean? Many people exercise their upper body in a bid to become more attractive, but neglect what is popularly referred to as “leg day.” Unfortunately, comprehensive fitness is not only more healthy, but it is also more attractive. The way the hack squat stresses your quads helps you to develop that sweep/flare/roundness look that you cannot obtain with inferior movements. How To Do Machine Hack Squat what muscles are worked by Machine Hack Squat what other exercises benefit the same muscles as Machine Hack Squat. He also loves to help others to achieve their fitness goals and spread the knowledge where needed. There are benefits to this which we’ll discuss but it’s hard to go wrong with the hack squat as it’s a viable alternative to the barbell squat. Moderation is important and using a combination of free weight and machines is ideal. It’s a very effective leg exercise and there’s no reason to not include in your lower body mass and strength-building routine. Adjust the machine so that you’re shoulders are comfortably under the padding while standing on the platform. Overall, it's a great Smith machine squat alternative. This is likely to result in knee issues especially if using heavy weight. The pads are nice and thick and the roller wheels move fluidly. The hack squat is a compound movement that works all lower-body muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, calves, and hip flexors) and the core muscles; which include the rectus abdominis and internal/external obliques. Narrowing your stance by placing your feet closer than shoulder width will help you in targetting the outer quad sweep. Main muscles: Quads; Supporting muscles: Glutes, hamstrings, spinal erectors; Exercise type: Compound; Difficulty: Intermediate; Equipment needed: Smith machine; Recommended gear: Knee sleeves, bar pad, squat shoes; Exercise purpose: Build bigger quads safely; How to hack squat on a Smith machine Also, when doing hack squats, experiment with stance width and depth. - 1700 Lincoln St. Denver, CO. © Copyright 2010 - 2021 Fitnes Volt IBC. So, the back squat is actually better for trunk development and core stability. It also tends to be much more low-back friendly as the load is under the center of mass rather than in front. Return the weight back to the floor but keep your core tight and immediately repeat the movement. We’re going to explain what the hack squat is, which muscles are involved, a comparison to the back squat, a how-to guide, and some killer variations… Secondly, whereas the deadlift places most of the stress on your posterior muscles (glutes, hamstrings, back, traps), the hack squat places most of the stress on your quads. The hack squat can be used as a significant mass and strength builder as well so don’t think it’s inferior because it’s a machine movement. 4. Step 2: Your legs should be placed on the platform in a shoulder width position. As a matter of fact, there is. Again, the hack squat will increase lower body and posterior chain strength. But the upper posterior chain (Backside of the body) of muscles are heavily involved as well. We believe you should have the best information at your fingertips to help you reach your fitness goals and to stay up to date on everything happening in the bodybuilding, fitness and strength sports industry... Read more. 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