The original RDR never mentions Red Dead Redemption 2's Sadie Adler and Charles Smith, but in-game clues could suggest their fate. It is speculated that he was trained under Landon Ricketts, a famous gunslinger, and a friend of his father. After John untied them both, the Marston family embraces. Jack Marston is one of the few characters in Red Dead Redemption who players watch grow up– but his life is still a mystery to many. Von ihr erfährt er, dass Ross mit seinem Bruder zur Jagd nach Mexiko gegangen ist. And of course Dutch left John to die at the train heist and Abigail a prisoner of the Pinkertons. 1899- Jack is between the age four-year old boy with brown hair and faint freckles on his face. Later, the plague starts again, and John, who was buried with holy water, returns as an undead with a man's soul. John begins to call for his son at the ranch, but is then told by Uncle about Jack's plans. Jack Marston Besides killing Edgar Ross he never commits any crimes that are cannon. 1907- Jack is now a young teenager(yay puberty! The two later takes the meat to the trading post in Manzanita to sell the elk products. Marston daughter is the deceased daughter of John Marston and his wife, Abigail, and Jack Marston’s younger sister. Eventually Abigail is beaten by Uncle who is shot by John. Abigail Marston was born in 1877 as Abigail Roberts. SPOILERS At the nearly-end of Red Dead Redemption, we see John Marston's grave dated 1911, then the weather changes and it zooms out to show his wife Abigail's grave dated 1914, upon which no cause of death … Sometime ago, Jack lost his younger sister. Geschlecht: Jack and Abigail sit at the living room waiting for John to return. While waiting for his father, Jack reads a book and discuss his mother on her swearing, as well as joking with her regarding Jack finishing his "university education". 1895 After the death of his father revenge almost consumed him, although he seemingly abandoned his goals of a proper future, he keeps his anger and check, and remains polite while hunting his father's killer. After scaring off the wolves, John asks Jack to stay out trouble. Jack Marston (* 1895 in Amerika) ist ein Charakter und nach dem Tod seines Vaters, John Marston, der zweite Protagonist aus Red Dead Redemption und ein Nebencharakter aus Undead Nightmare sowie Red Dead Redemption 2. Rockstar Games Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. An easter egg (although not confirmed that GTA and RDR are in the same world) in GTA V reveals that after almost becoming an outlaw, Jack returns to his normal life, a life separate from his fathers, a life his family wanted all along. In Grand Theft Auto Online, it is possible for the Online Protagonist to be a relative of Jack as the player can choose to have John Marston as the father (impossible for John because the online protagonist would be dead by the events of GTA Online). Er wird die meiste Zeit mit seiner Mutter im Auftrag von Bundesagenten gefangen gehalten und gegen Ende freigelassen, nachdem sein Vater die Bedingungen der Agenten erfüllt hat. [Red Dead Redemption] Jack killed his mother. 1914 He does end up writing stories, one of those stories being Red Dead Redemption by J. Marston. Beide wurden einmal verletzt, Red verbrannte seine Hand an der heißen, Beide nahmen Rache an der Person, die für den Tod ihrer Eltern verantworlich sind. My question is how did John Marston die? John befreit sie und sie umarmen sich. His father was an illiterate Scottish immigrant who was born on the boat to New York, while his mother was a prostitute, who died during John's birth. Waffe(n): The bear comes out and rushes to attack them, but is shot dead by John. Jack ist das einzig lebende Kind von John und Abigail Marston und somit auch das noch einzig lebende Mitglied der Familie Marston. Jack was an intellectual at a young age, with hopes of becoming a writer when he grew up. During his childhood, Jack grew in the gang's life, and developed a close bound with John and Abigail's friends and fellow outlaws Dutch van der Linde, Bill Williamson, Arthur Morgan and Javier Escuella. During the non-canon Undead Nightmare DLC, Jack becomes infected, along with his mother. So versucht er einmal einen Grizzly zu erlegen, um das Ansehen seines Vaters zu steigern und zu zeigen, wie gut er im Jagen ist. So wollte er Schriftsteller, Politiker oder Kaufmann werden. Bei diesem Angriff stirbt Uncle. After watching his father killing and skinning an elk, Jack finds another group, kill one of them, and skins it. In 1896, John was badly wounded in a botched bank robbery. After reading stories, as well as hearing stories from his father, Jack decides to ride to Tall Trees, and hunt a bear, in order to prove that he is no longer a kid. [ **SPOILER WARNING** For anyone who has not played RDR2 through to the end. Spiel Jack hatte ursprünglich hohe Ziele. Jack finds and confronts Ross, who shows no remorse for betraying John three years ago, and even threatening that to kill Jack if the latter will stay in the place. Die Familie Marston zog während eines Großteils von Jacks Kindheit umher, insbesondere 1907 auf der Pronghorn Ranch stationiert. I don’t think I will feel bad hunting any of them down. One Red Dead Redemption 2 Character Could Easily Return in RDR3 Red Dead Redemption 3 seems like a matter of when, not if, and should Rockstar do a … During the ride to the ranch, Jack begins to ask John various questions about the later's travels. 1 Histoire 1.1 Enfance 1.2 Les débuts de la bande de In 1906… A few days after the bear hunt incident, Jack begins to work at the barn, until John enters. Jack begibt sich zu diesem Ort, trifft dort lediglich seine Frau. Although players are primarily in the role of either Arthur Morgan or John Marston for the majority of the series, for a few critical scenes (and one epilogue) players assume the role of Jack Marston. At the end of RDR why did Ross sent the Army to kill John Marston? Er suchte zusammen mit Abigail und Jack das Weite, auf der Beecher’s Hope Ranch, um als Rancher ein neues Leben zu beginnen und seinem Sohn eine bessere Zukunft bieten zu können. John takes a horse and his dog, Rufus, and heads to Tall Trees. In the Red Dead Redemption games, no one has a sadder story than Jack Marston. Knowing that he can't escape, John faces a mob of lawmen, headed by Edgar Ross, and is killed afterwards, thus saving Jack and Abigail, as he know that with his death, the agent will stop chasing his family. Jack was alive at the ending, which was at 1914. He, along with his mother, Abigail, and family friend, Uncle, are kidnapped by federal agents, who force John to hunt down his former brothers-in-arms. Understanding that the wolves attack the cattle, Jack and John ride after the pack of wolves, and gun down the some of wolves, and manage to scare the rest of them. Both Red Dead Redemption and its sequel Red Dead Redemption 2 at least partially follow the story of John Marston and how he hunts down and kills/captures several members of his former gang. in the end of the original RDR, the epilogue takes place in 1914, which is when WW1 started. After ending his business with Edgar Ross, John reunite with Jack and Abigail, as well with Uncle, who didn't keep the Marston Ranch in a good shape, leading all the livestock dead or stolen. Not for long. Jack is the only son of John and Abigail Marston, and the father of Walter Marston. Er erzählt ihm, dass Ross am Fluss Enten jagt. Weitere Details Geschieht dies tatsächlich, würde genau das eintreten, was sein Vater nicht gewollt hat. Excellent question. After a long journey, John finally finds the cure to stop the undead plague, returning a cursed Aztec mask back to where it belongs. am Leben In Jacks Fall ist dies. He has level 3 dead eye, can fight about as well as John, can hunt the same, and knows how to break horses all the same. 1899 Er hilft tatkräftig auf der Farm in Beecher’s Hope mit, allerdings ist er emotional unsicher. Although players are primarily in the role of either Arthur Morgan or John Marston for the majority of the series, for a few critical scenes (and one epilogue) players assume the role of Jack Marston. She is briefly mentioned in the Bonnie MacFarlane mission "Women and Cattle", Nigel West Dickens mission "The Sport of Kings, and Liars", the Luisa Fortuna mission "Father Abraham", and indirectly in "The Gates of El Presidio" by Javier Escuella. Jack asks John if he will come with them, who says that he'll catch up with them, he slaps the horse and it to ran out the barn. Finally, John and Rufus ride to the top of Nekoti Rock, finding an injured Jack hiding behind a rock. Dabei wird er allerdings verletzt und hätte ihn sein Vater nicht gerettet, wäre er getötet worden. John died in 1911, not Jack. An orphan, Abigail eventually became part of the Van der Linde gang after being introduced to them all by Uncle in 1894. Sprecher: HauptspielDer letzte Feind, der entmachtet wirdRDR2Amerikanisches GiftUndead NightmareAuf einem fahlen Pferd Where Do Abigail & Jack Go When They Leave John Marston In The Epilogue In Red Dead Redemption 2? Following the bear hunt, Jack's face reminded scarred with bear scratches, resembling those of his father. Then it shows John Marston rise from the grave. Jack and Ross, preparing for a final showdown. Im Jahre 899 wurde Jacks Vater John während eines missglückten Banküberfalls, von der Pinkerton National Detective Agency verhaftet. Afterwards, it is unclear whether Jack finally settled down after Ross’ death or continued a life of crime. Nachdem Jack Edgar getötet und damit seinen Vater erfolgreich gerächt hat, dreht er sich um und entfernt sich gelassen vom Tatort. There is a tender moment between John and his young son, Jack in RDR2. Depending on if you play the side missions as Jack or John, Jack spends a good time after that helping people around the Wild West and Mexico. [Warning: Spoilers for both Red Dead Redemption & RDR2 below.] Source(s): john marston die rdr: 0 0 Seantel 1 decade ago Thats actually quite a popular thing in western settings. Abigail cries and hug her fallen loved one, but Jack calms her down. His parents, John and Abigail, were both members of Dutch's Gang. Jack Marston ended up writing the Red Dead Redemption book we see in gta V. spoiler. Jack was born around the mid 1890's. John Marston Jr., better known as Jack, was born in 1895 as the first child of outlaw John Marston and prostitute Abigail Roberts, two members of the Van der Linde gang. Untot Jack refuses, takes a rifle, and helps John and Uncle in their fight against the lawmen. Er sieht seinen Vater allerdings als sein Vorbild und seine Meinung ist ihm sehr wichtig. He is a corrupt government official who captures John Marston's wife and son and forces him to hunt and catch the members of his former gang. Jack rides to the top of Nekoti Rock, where he is attacked and injured by a bear who lived at the cave on the top of the mountain, while his horse is killed and half-eaten by the bear. Jack Marston's Missions (West Elizabeth Walkthrough) Complete 'The Outlaw's Return' in Abigail Marston's mission line and then meet Jack at the 'J' symbol sometime between 5 a.m. and 6 p.m. to start. I forget the exact ongoings of the conversation, but if my memory serves correct, it takes place during the mission where Jack begins to train with firearms, and after his mother dies, tracks down and kills Ross. HauptspielDie Rückkehr des GesetzlosenRDR2Gesetzlose aus dem WestenUndead NightmareDie Liebe in den Zeiten der Plage Wer mit der Liebe spart, verzieht das Kind, In Red Dead Redemption, Joh Marston is killed in the last story mission, he is killed by Ross and his men after he tells Jack and Abigail to run away and Uncle is shot and killed. Spitzname: Zu Beginn trauert er an den Gräbern seines Vaters, seiner Mutter und des Onkels. Er bekam eine Kiste mit Spielzeug, regelmäßige Bäder, aß Spaghetti und lernte italienische Wörter wie das für "Pferd" und "Hausschuh". John took this as an opportunity to abandon his life of crime after he was left for dead, as John often puts it. Am Ende der Story, als Bundesagenten und Soldaten im Auftrag von Agent Ross versuchen, seinen Vater zu töten, hilft er bei der Abwehr der Angreifer. At least as far as we know from the first game. On one of the stranger's missons called Remember my … Jack wird später von Angelo Bronte entführt und für einige Zeit von der Bande vermisst, bevor er zur Bande zurückkehrt, nachdem sie einen Geschäftsvertrag abgeschlossen haben, um ihn zurückzuholen. Später kehren Jack und seine Mutter zurück und finden die von Kugeln durchsiebte Leiche von John, der der Übermacht von Agent Ross nicht gewachsen war. JackJackieLancelot Milton During the night, John and Abigail are confronted by a pale looking Uncle. Die Ermordung von Edgar Ross wird für Jacks Zukunft sicherlich nicht ohne Folgen bleiben. Für die Ermordung eines ehemaligen Bundesagenten läuft er nun Gefahr, ein Outlaw zu werden, so wie es sein Vater einst war. Informationen 1911- Jack now has longer hair and is a few years older, He wears a dark grey vest, a blue and white striped shirt, and brown pants. Jack stellt ihn dort und will wissen, wieso er seinen Vater tötete, obwohl dieser alles getan hat, was er von ihm verlangt hat. Most of Jack's other actions during that time period is unknown. In the last newspapers that you can buy in RDR, there is an article about First World War. #JackMarston #RedDeadOnline #RDR2 Red Dead Redemption - Remember My Family: Jack Marston … Im Jahr 1899 lebt Jack bei der Bande und wird von seinen Mitgliedern betreut. He wears a beige jacket, a white button-up shirt with a red neckerchief and dark, dirty pants. Verschiedene Letzter Auftritt: Jack explains his book's tale of an Aztec man who apparently must kill his people who have been infected by a virus or plague, before he's been cut out by Abigail criticizing the tale as "absolutely disgusting and completely unbelievable". SAd? Jack Marston was voiced by Josh Blaylock. At the end of the game, he returns to normal. The character never existed. After John and Uncle clear the ranch from the first wave of soldiers, the former enters the house and tells to Jack and Abigail to escape to the barn, as well, ordering Jack to stay at the house. After John completed tasks for Abigail and Uncle, he begins to spend time with Jack. In the end of RDR John Marston and his son and wife make a grave for him, then his son jack marston grows old and comes back to see 3 of the graves john marston, his mom, and uncle. Josh BlaylockMarissa Buccianti By already this time, Jack has begun to read books, which were often hidden by Williamson and Van der Linde. Von den letzteren beiden riet ihm sein Vater jedoch ab, da er sich einen „ehrlichen“ Beruf suchen sollte. Er steht den Fähigkeiten seines Vater in nichts nach. Yes John Marston is killed by Edgar Ross, But then you get to play as his son, Jack Marston. Jack and Abigail's status afterwards is unknown. It never showed him die and it says "A few months later" so … Uncle tried to stop the young boy from riding to Tall Trees, but fails. Forgive me if this is obvious, but in rdr2, a reference to the characters ending up in a book is dropped. Dies sieht man, wenn man in einen Kinosaal geht. John hugs Jack and tells him to close the door and the windows of the Marston house, and come out. Nachdem John die Plage beendet hat, sind Jack und Abigail immer noch gefesselt. Charles Smith was a … What did change for me was the Marston family. While reading a book about a man who tries to avenge his father, Jack is taken by John to hunt an elk. This is an old game I know but I just got the game RDR game of the year. männlich After being learned how to herd cattle, Jack returns to Marston's Ranch along with his father. Erster Auftritt: Abigail und Jack verließen John vorübergehend, nachdem der erstere mit Johns Taten unzufrieden war. Jack heads to Blackwater, where he meets an agent called Howard Sawicki on the train station in the town. Red Dead Redemption Wiki ist eine Fandom-Videospiele-Community. ), he now wears a white button-up shirt and a vest. Ross meint nur, dass man allen kriminellen Abschaum vernichten muss und er nun verschwinden soll, bevor er ihn auch noch erschießt. Uncle calls for John, as he noticed a big group of lawmen and soldiers attack the ranch (unknown to Jack). As the main protagonist of Red Dead Redemption and the avatar which players take control of after Arthur Morgan's death in Red Dead Redemption 2, John isn't afraid to let people know he isn't keen on keeping thoughts and feelings internal when they need to be expressed, … Time after being kidnapped by federal agent Edgar Ross, who ordered John to his. And started on Undead Nightmare wird er von seinem Vater mit dem Lasso gefesselt und Haus... Brown hair and faint freckles on his face moment between John and Uncle on a hill the... 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